I want to find opportunities to work on something which includes everything I realized was important for me

Keywords: {0}

A lot of the narratives that influence us online or in more conventional media are based on these stories of people who always knew what they wanted to do and proved to everyone that they were exceptional at it. Writers who always wanted to be writers, musicians that sold everything to pursue their dream since they couldn’t do anything else or people that created IT companies that turned into millions when they were teenagers. I mean, the pressure is huge! Unconsciously, the following question starts growing inside our brains: “why don’t I know what I want to be?”


I like to break things down into mind-maps, tables, diagrams… anything that presents information better than chunks of text

Keywords: general

I highlight, underline, and scribble all over my books. It helps me note down important quotes, concepts and ideas to question / research further later. And in selecting what to highlight and what not to, I’m building a mental map of what I want my summary to look like.


Messages are everywhere, stepping into our brains around idealized images of women and what men want

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We did also watch “The Man” by Taylor Swift, which was thoroughly entertaining though not at all subtle. And not to sound ancient (hahahaha), but subtlety is the thing really. I might have had a dictionary definition of that back in my young-woman days, but I didn’t really get how to do it.


NOTE — Featured image source: https://laurendeanspencer.com (author’s “homepage”)

I am no longer asking myself what I should do that will make my parents proud, but what I want to do that will make ME happy

Keywords: {0}

Embracing this crazy but wonderful journey and not obsessing over the future. What success looks like to me now is much healthier, much clearer, and a whole lot of who I am and who I aim to be. It could still change though, for as long as I’m growing as a person.


Growing up I changed what I wanted to be when I was older probably every other week

Keywords: {0}

I’ve learned that I can’t control that and it’s nothing for me to stress out about now. What’s most important is living in the moment and being forever grateful for what you have and for what you’ve experienced. I’ve found that stressing about the future has only made me feel worse because it is so unknown and irrelevant right now and once I’ve started to accept that, it has been a much more positive experience.


I want to live my life filled with possibilities, love, and excitement

Keywords: home , change , lifestyle , mental health , school , work

Just because you have a good life doesn’t mean that you won’t get restless or unhappy. Even though I deeply love my family and animals, I enjoy studying, and I’m grateful, comfortable, and loved. Nevertheless, I desire a shift from the mundane dribble and wish to open new, positive doors.
