What I’d really like to learn is to have the confidence and self-assuredness that I can do anything I want to do or to be

Keywords: Judy , Sanity , Sidetracked Legacies , Technology/Education , buildingconfidence , learnignewskills , legacystories , legacywriting , raisethebarhigher , sidetrackedjudy , sidetrackedlegacies , sidetrackedsisters , spicerack , writeyourownlegacy

I am famous for telling other people that they can do anything they set their minds to. How can I be so hypocritical about trash-talking myself, when I do know better? At least my head knows better but my heart has a hard time exhibiting what my head knows for sure.


I wanted to cry and scream so on paper I had a good cry

Keywords: drawings , pastel , animation , anime , cartoon , chibi , cute , illustration , kawaii , manga , pastel pencils , pastels , sketchbook , tan paper

And there I am, standing on a puddle of tears. Surprisingly, the sketching flowed really smoothly perhaps because I was so emotional. A quick sketch to let me vent. Vent on paper and also here on the keyboard as I type this piece. WHERE IS MY STUFF???


I want to be able to create something that brings amazement and wonder to others

Keywords: Success Skills

Whether I get into graphic design and create amazing images, or build websites and programs for others who just can’t figure out how to get their vision across; I want to be the one who brings out those intended or desired emotions from viewers. That’s what motivates me, and that’s why I’m here.


Being in a healthy mindset allows me to be reflexive without the turmoil I’d have experienced before

Keywords: Life in general , Personal Growth

For years I had disconnected myself from my own needs. I had found that ignoring them was a survival strategy, experience had taught me that I was safer that way. This wasn’t a sustainable approach. I’d become so good at hiding and ignoring my needs that I spent years going through life numb to the good experiences I should have been having. All my actions were routed in expectations and obligations. When that got too much for me I turned to food, drink and drugs to fuel actions. It was ok that I needed to spend the day in bed, it was a hangover rather than depression caused by my unhealed trauma. It’s fine that I drank before I went out, that was me being savvy with money as I wouldn’t spend so much at the club. My binge eating was tied to the days when I was suffering malnutrition from before my adoption (I don’t recall that, I think I may have made it up. I recall walking to collect water with a container on my head as part of my chores, but never hunger…) and the list of justified negative behaviour that sustained the numbing of my emotions is endless. This was never sustainable, and that’s a good thing.


There’s a lot of shit that keeps on coming in my tiny brain of 1400cc capacity with an overfunctional amygdala and emotions oozing out and I want to write it all

Keywords: {0}

my thought process works bongers and that is why I want to write it all. So yes, welcome aboard guys! Maybe you could share a laugh or two with me or probably laugh at me or just feel cringed out and disgusted but I probably  won’t ever post this online. So fuck it, I’m still writing this.


When neither of your parents, or anyone in your family has ever really been needy around each other, it doesn’t really set the precedent for you to be open, vulnerable, needy or fragile emotionally

Keywords: general , life , writing , blogging , growing up , life , long read , observations , ranting , thoughts , writing

Strength is praised, weaknesses cause irritation and rectification. Flaws are not to be accommodated, only fixed.


There are so many things I want to let out

Keywords: blogs , feelings , expression , acceptance , understanding , blogging , safe space , outlet , venting

I have a lot of things that I deal with, as I am sure many of you do. So I would like to write about things that people can relate to. Even if the things I write aren’t 100% something you understand, I know we can all understand feelings. Situations may not be the exact same, but the emotions can be.


I work my ass off every day to get a little closer to where I want to be

Keywords: the buildup , encouragment , mental health , rant , trauma , trigger warning , tw suicide , work

I don’t need validation to continue this journey, but it would be so nice. It would just be the sweetest thing to hear from someone else. I scream it at myself every day. I say, “Rudy, you’re doing so much better. You can pretend it’s a secret and get through this. You’re good enough.” I, however, am not a reliable source of emotional information to myself yet. I’m still working on that. Until then, any kind of encouragement is greatly appreciated.
