When I want something bad enough, I find a way to make it work

Keywords: anxiety , depression , hardtruths , imworthit , lifeishard , sacrifice , smallthings , worthit

I CHOOSE what I want, and I make the sacrifice to make it work. That’s just who I am. One of my mantras in life is a little discomfort in the short run is worth it in the long run. Enjoy the small things in life.


I have professional goals I want to meet, and in order to do so, I need to put myself out there a bit more

Keywords: {0}

This terrifies me, as I am a private person, and have not been a real big-risk taker in my life up to this point. But I have realized I want to move forward in my life and reach some of my dreams, and make room for new ones. I don’t want to have lived my full life and have the nagging thought ‘if only I’d…’. The idea of putting something out on the internet has the feeling of a lot of permanency behind it, and there is the part of me that wonders if anything I have to say is important enough to put out there. It may not be to most, but may be meaningful to some/one. 


Being in a healthy mindset allows me to be reflexive without the turmoil I’d have experienced before

Keywords: Life in general , Personal Growth

For years I had disconnected myself from my own needs. I had found that ignoring them was a survival strategy, experience had taught me that I was safer that way. This wasn’t a sustainable approach. I’d become so good at hiding and ignoring my needs that I spent years going through life numb to the good experiences I should have been having. All my actions were routed in expectations and obligations. When that got too much for me I turned to food, drink and drugs to fuel actions. It was ok that I needed to spend the day in bed, it was a hangover rather than depression caused by my unhealed trauma. It’s fine that I drank before I went out, that was me being savvy with money as I wouldn’t spend so much at the club. My binge eating was tied to the days when I was suffering malnutrition from before my adoption (I don’t recall that, I think I may have made it up. I recall walking to collect water with a container on my head as part of my chores, but never hunger…) and the list of justified negative behaviour that sustained the numbing of my emotions is endless. This was never sustainable, and that’s a good thing.


I prioritize my writing and thus make the time

Keywords: inspiration , writing , writing craft

I believe almost everyone has the time to write or read or garden or play video games. They likely don’t have the time to do all or maybe even a few of these things, but they have the time somewhere in the day if it is a high enough priority. If you want to write a novel or a short story, the time is there for the taking, but is it important enough to you to give up something else you might want to do? That is the real question in my mind.


I just want to be able to speak those words and give wings to those fluttering feelings deep in the pit of my stomach

Keywords: {0}

When my dad and I used to go for coffee and long conversation, he impressed upon me the importance of being a good listener. He told me to always make eye contact, let them know you are listening by nodding your head, asking questions when the narrative was unclear or a term unfamiliar. He said one of the essential parts of being a good listener is that for however long that person is speaking, it is all about them.


I want to be the designer of dazzling stage costumes and eye-catching costumes for the main characters in movies and TV series

Keywords: {0}

I like beautiful clothes, especially senior custom suits, evening dress, and on the stage, the various actors in the movie to wear costumes of rich s feeling and classical beauty, I really hope that one day a movie is known to all is a kind of beautiful clothes out the design of the self, or a star will wear my design dresses to attend important media events
