They actually listened to me and paid attention, and they said thank you

Keywords: What’s on my mind

Care and feeding? Just remember we are people too, we work to pay our bills, just like you do, so yeah, we do deserve to be paid. And, like you, we don’t appreciate being put down, talked down to or even berated. Ninety nine percent of the time, agents don’t deserve that. Yep, there are some bad ones out there, and they’re the ones who get us all downgraded in peoples’ minds. Most of us, the vast majority, actually want to serve you well.

I have this deep desire to be wise, and seek wisdom, I am very accepting of adding another year to my age

Keywords: life , love , birthday , blogging , encouragement , gratitude , kindness , personal , positive , self , truth , worth

You have this moment. Now. Please take a deep breath and as you exhale, remind yourself that you are worthy! You are amazing! You are seen! Because you exist, somebody’s life is better! You make a bigger positive impact than what you will ever think you do! And then get out there, wrinkles and all, and remind someone else that they matter too! ❤

I want to end every post with 2 things I am grateful for, 2 wins of the previous weeks and 2 goals for the coming weeks

Keywords: {0}

I am going to keep myself anonymous but if you ever want to contact me, please go and DM me or follow me on my Instagram accounts: @mypinterest.andpolls for a fun time with aesthetic inspo and fun polls on my story and @productivity.pinterest for study/work inspo and some informational posts too! This blog is going to be about anything from delicious recipes to fashion tips.

A great opportunity for me to reflect on what type of nurse I want to be, where I would like to work and what field I want to specialize in

Keywords: {0}

These are all very important aspects of my career as a nurse and things I have been keeping in mind as I learn new information. Im excited to see what today and the rest of my life brings, I am abundantly great full for everything and everyone in my life. I hope after reading this it may inspire you to do some self reflection and find the things you’re great full for and wonder about where your future may lead you.