Doing the things that we want to

Keywords: essay , dream , dreaming , dreams , hobbies , hobby , hobbyist , hobbyists , human , humanity , humans , science , scientific , scientist , scientists

Today I want to test out a new type of post. Here, I want to feature someone’s writing that isn’t exactly about wanting per se … but which (I feel) is nonetheless relevant to our collective interest in wants.

Through their hobbies they became the first modern scientists

I want to be someone with a valuable skill that is not replicable

Keywords: {0}

What if your business can’t be taken over by robots? Well, that would be great. That means that you would be less likely to be replaced. If your business is anything that a robot would have a hard time doing, you are totally in the clear.

I want less shifts than before the pandemic

Keywords: pandemic , parents , vertigo

Unemployment has saved my ass this last year and a half. It’s made it possible to keep working on writing and music and pay the bills. I’ve been lucky, because it supplements gigs and record and book sales and tea towels and t-shirts I’ve printed and sold. I’m always hustling but unemployment made the hustle more benign, less stressful.

In the day of my dreams I will be retired

Keywords: cabininthewoods , Dayofmydreams , isolation journals, Journal writing , Reflections

I want to retire. I am ready now to retire, but not sure how to go about it. Maybe one more year of teaching and occasional performances, and then I’ll decide on a new adventure. Gradual retirement will not work for me — too many exciting opportunities are available, and I can’t see to let them go by without accepting the challenge. I have tried to semi-retire, but within a few months my schedule was full again.

I have goals and things that I want to do and that takes money

Keywords: blogger , happy , job , personal blogger

This year has had its fair share of ups and downs. But this month things are certainly looking up. I have been out of work for a year and 3 months. I would apply for jobs just for them to tell me I’m overqualified or they were not hiring at the time. It got very discouraging and I would often hear people stating that people on unemployment are lazy and not looking for work.

The most that we can do is feign interest until it is our turn to talk

Keywords: disaster , funemployed , stupid , twentysomething , unemployed , writing , zerotohero

The thing is that I no longer have anything to talk about. I am at the stage where I would happily dive into rejection email after rejection, bathe in bad interviews, drown in ‘will I won’t I’ moments for the next year or so. But unfortunately, there is nothing to Will I Won’t I about. At least not for now. I always thought that I would emerge in my early twenties with a blinding dream, and that I would follow that dream and take the failures and heartbreak that came with it. But coming from somebody who kinda likes to write, kinda likes to paint, kinda like to make people laugh, kinda likes to get her head down with a mundane activity that relies in no way on my personality or people skills whatsoever – I am here to say that it is officially not enough. Because nobody gets anywhere on Kinda. So my next question is – how the Fuck am I supposed to just Pick A Dream????????????????????????????????????

I want to have a career but this job hunting is so hard

Keywords: {0}

They say your 20’s should be the best time of your life but I am literally struggling! Life after college for me feels like a shit show. I feel like everybody is doing better than me in life. I know I should not compare myself with other people but it is so hard when you have social media it is a constant reminder that someone is doing better than you.