I want to give you things to think about and form your own conclusions, which may be entirely different than my own

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So, let’s be clear from the outset my intent is to [present] some things for you to think about. I will not do all the research, I’m not a journalist, I’m not a politician, my grammar and spelling are imperfect, and even my thoughts and opinions are imperfect. However, if I can challenge you to think about what I’ve written than my mission is accomplished.


I want to be healthy and strong and not give even the smallest of fucks about what people think

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I always say I don’t care what people think of me so why am I so concerned with my weight and how I look. But I read something today about the shame that women feel about their bodies, despite the absolute fucking slog they go through every day of their lives. It made me think – I’m probably right when I say I don’t really care what other people think but maybe I care what I think and maybe that is shame. Do I feel ashamed because I’m “fatter” than most people around me? Do I feel ashamed because my stomach that was home to two beautiful babies for 9 months (absolutely fucking huge babies might I add) isn’t flat? I mean it isn’t even round, I don’t know what shape it is! Do I feel ashamed that I weigh more than my partner? Do I feel ashamed when I eat something “bad”?


I think there are respectful and productive ways to have these conversations

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I think what I owe you as readers of this blog are honesty and respect. That is truly what it boils down to. I am a book reviewer and I talk about my opinions on books to better inform your choices as someone who comes to me for my thoughts and recommendations. That is why I owe you my honesty- it is why you are here. I want to feel good about my recommendations and stand by my reviews, and I do. I also want you to trust me, if when we have different opinions.


I’ve done the work to become the person I wanted to be

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Anyone who knows me personally can tell you I don’t sugar coat things, and I confront issues directly because that’s my nature. When I was younger I came across as harsh and somewhat rude, but during my 20’s I’ve learnt to soften, to empathise and to listen without judgement. I’ve learnt to control my own feelings and allow a safe space for other people to share a different view to mine, and communicate in a healthy way.


Part of why I want to study Psychology is because I want to identify these differences between people and resolve the conflicts, they have between each other, so that we can feel even more connected with each other despite our differences

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I feel that many a times we get into arguments and conflicts due to miscommunications or simply just a clash of views. The difference in opinions can be as simple as deciding on what or where to have lunch, but sometimes it can escalate into an argument. Sometimes we realize the difference in opinions, sometimes we don’t, but regardless of that, many times we still argue because we feel unheard by the other party.
