I’m always going to be as young as I’ll ever be and as old as I’ve ever been

Keywords: Journal , ageing , creative writing , journal , life is short , live in the moment , reflection , self development , thoughts , writing , youth

Time doesn’t stop. And ageing doesn’t stop. But life also doesn’t stop. And I’m so excited to keep going, and to discover the life I’m going to live.


Why do you have to wait until you’re old to enjoy life?

Keywords: {0}

I finally got to take a step back and see things in a much slower pace. I got to see myself and get to know her too. And that’s when I realize that I think, my old lifestyle does not suit me anymore. I don’t want to work so hard (especially doing something I don’t want) at the cost of letting life pass me by. I’ll probably get the money but I don’t get to use it because I have no time. Money, since the longest time, has never been a motivation for me. Does not mean I don’t need money, I just need enough for me to live a life I can enjoy.


I have so much more free time to do fun things

Keywords: {0}

I am starting to lean towards taking a gap year next year and just seeing what happens. I had such intense tunnel vision at the beginning of college in regards to soccer and wanting to be a doctor that now I feel like I missed out on pursuing other interests. Now that I am certain I’m not interested in either of those things, I want to take the time to explore other things. The best and most fun opportunities I have encountered so far have happened when I take a step back and explore what makes me most excited. I am also nervous that if I rush into school again I might miss out on unique opportunities that wont be around for too long. I won’t be young forever but law school isn’t going anywhere!!
