I wanted my son to know he would never be restricted by anything, and I would be there for him no matter where his adventures took him

Keywords: Blog

I am by no means a fantastic artist, but I pulled from the hours of hanging with my grandmother and have created an “Adventure Awaits” painting every year since. My grandmother created many amazing paintings throughout her life and seeing them means everything to me, especially now that she is no longer with us. I am hopeful the paintings I create will hold a special place in my son’s heart.


In this blog I want to talk about what it is like to be a college student while living from home, and how to still feel like you are getting “the college experience”

Keywords: First Blog Post , college , living , student , student life

I firmly believe in trying new things, pushing your limits, and exploring, and all of these things are exactly what I will be doing. Maybe I will learn to paint or face my fear of the rock wall, or even sign up for an intramural sport. No matter what I do I know that there is something to learn within everything, so follow along for my journey!


I can talk to myself, sing as loud as I want, cry, scream, ANYTHING … and I’m not disturbing anyone, no one else can hear me … I feel invisible … and I like that

Keywords: about me , lifestyle , where bloggers live , car

I love BEING in my car. I love DRIVING. I almost always volunteer to be the designated driver … for the comfort and control.

My car takes me on amazing adventures. We’ve been a LOT of places together.


What I wanted to do was read through tons of books and maintain a library maybe, work at a coffee house and paint something on the streets

Keywords: snippets , i am so tired lol , maybe , rants , snippet , who am i , writer

It’s scary, not knowing what you want. And it’s scarier, knowing what you want but having no courage to go after it even when you are living the regret every day. I wonder who was she… I wonder where did she go.. I admire her.. I miss her, even when what I have now, what I am now might have been everything she would’ve ever wanted. But she had something that’s long dead in me – the courage to dream.


Life itself is a journey and I want to explore everything that life has to offer

Keywords: {0}

I guess this is how I want to introduce myself: I am a wanderer, I am an explorer of life, I am curious and I will not wait any longer for opportunities to come. I am an opportunity myself and I don’t need to sit and wait and wish. I will lead myself in the right direction on a journey from which I don’t know if it’s ever going to end.


For years, I hid these stories because I wanted to fit in, to be normal, to have regular childhood experiences – whatever those were supposed to be

Keywords: {0}

As an adult, I’m happy I had the hands-off, learn-to-entertain-yourself childhood I did. We weren’t always technological Luddites. We still watched cartoons and played shitty Flash games, but we weren’t pawned off or pushed in front of a screen by the adults. They didn’t plan out every second of our day, to make sure we were kept busy or productive. If we were bored, we were responsible for figuring out what to do ourselves.


Wants.Blog is now a (founding) member of the PHLAT.net online catalog network

As some of you might have noticed, I have been “taking a break” for a few days. I guess I needed some “time off”.

I didn’t simply just sit on the porch, put my feet up, sip on a long drink, whatever.

Instead, I decided to switch it up a bit and got a little more involved with the back end tech of the internet. Unlike in real life, dealing with bits and pieces of computer technology can seem quite challenging without any prospect of rewards in sight … until it works!

So I indeed did manage to work it out and after I jiggled the wires and flipped the switches and wiggled the knobs and shook the handles and whatnot, Wants.Blog has now become a founding member of PHLAT.net!

PHLAT.net is (IMHO) a new and improved approach to the WWW … and one Wants.Blog readers should (I feel) definitely check out.

I do not have great expectations, though. I expect only a very adventurous few people will even venture out onto the site — which is situated in a rather remote, uncharted territory. All kidding aside, PHLAT.net — as well as most PHLAT.net network sites — do not use data encryption … and therefore also do not use data encryption certificates … which is completely no problem because these sites do not collect any sensitive data. Companies like Google (and most other “Silicon Valley” upstarts), which collect TONS of data about their users DO NOT LIKE anything without data collection and so such companies are VERY BIG about campaigning against anything which doesn’t collect data about users. This is why many Internet browsers present warning messages whenever a site does not use data encryption certificates — because there is a huge mob of 800-pound gorillas breathing down their necks to do so. I will write another article about this problem (on another site, and I will be sure to post a pingback link here) … in a few days or maybe a couple weeks. I wrote this here and now mainly as a WARNING about the possible WARNING messages.

If you want to know more about PHLAT.net, you can also visit the PHLAT.news.blog (proudly hosted @ WordPress 😉 ) … and read all about how Wants.Blog is now supporting this project (in “Founding members of PHLAT.net (network) — Unite!“) … you could even interact, ask questions, get answers and all sorts of fun stuff like that! (but please don’t let me distract you in case you are also busy vacationing 😀 )