I want to love myself, before I was pregnant, while I was pregnant, and now after being pregnant not only for myself but for Bug, too

Keywords: body image , first time mom , mom blog , mom bod , mommy blog , motherhood , motherhood blog , new mom , postpartum

She deserves a mom who isn’t measuring her self worth against that last roll of fat that will not budge off of her stomach (seriously, why the hell is that thing still sticking around), and who will bake (and eat) cookies with her on a cold winter’s day.


I would cry looking at the calendar and seeing there were so many days left

Keywords: motherhood

Mentally i think i was losing it. 1. The stress of not being able to take care of my son the way I want to because I am the size of Texas and had the energy level of a pea. 2. Not being able to keep up with my sons growing energy levels 3. Being closed off from most of society and being stuck at home due to the pandemic 4. Pregnancy hormones. All of this makes a disgusting combination of one hell of a hot mess which was me. except i wasn’t even hot.


I want a baby so much it hurts

Keywords: {0}

I feel like something is missing from the very middle of me. I feel empty inside. The longing for a baby gets stronger and stronger every month. But so does the disappointment. When I get my period, my heart drops. I cry. I get moody and emotional. People think it’s just my period making me that way, but it’s so much more. It’s the sound of my hopes and dreams shattering as they hit the floor.


I remember floating across third place books and up to the cake display that he was behind and shakily telling him that he was cute then asking to give him my number

Keywords: {0}

I thought about deleting my postings about my previous struggle and relationships but I realized the only real thing to do is keep them. Let whomever should read them know that for me, finding my person hasn’t been an easy task.
