I want to bring that back to politics

Keywords: help , Kennedy , life , need , Nicole Shanahan , political , politics , privilege , purpose , Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , Shanahan , want , wealth , wealthy

I became very wealthy later on in life, but my roots in Oakland taught me many things I’ve never forgotten — (one thing is) that the purpose of wealth is to help those in need … that’s what it’s for! And I want to bring back — I want to bring that back to politics too — that is the purpose of privilege.


I want to go out knowing I couldn’t have done any more

Keywords: Life in general , Adulting , Life

In the early years of my 20s, I started to learn that money doesn’t necessarily make us happy. I know, I know there’s a lot of talk about this. I mean, at the end of the day, we all need money to do our thing, right? But, what I’m trying to say here is that, I’ve realized that during the hours I’ve spent stressing about how I’m not achieving those life goals that society tells us we should’ve reached by now, I’ve missed out on living. I could’ve made so many more memories and probably been a lot happier if I chased joy instead, if I choose my version of success to be how many times I’ve laughed this week, if I counted experience in the same way I do money, or if I climbed a mountain with the same eagerness as the career ladder. There’s a whole world to discover outside of those boundaries we’ve set for ourselves!


To get specifically into what it is that I want is a tough process

Keywords: fitness , goals , health , life , need , want , wealth

How much money is enough to help me have a good life without getting to the point where I am always concerned with money? What does a fulfilling career even mean? Does that mean I work for a non-profit? Do I open my own business? What is fulfillment. Why do I want to travel? Is it to show pictures to everyone else to show how cool I am? Or is it for my own experience.


Note: Featured image is from https://strengthandkindnesscoaching.com

I want to light the way starting from ground zero, or rather as close to it as I can as I’ve already been investing for several months as of the time of this writing

Keywords: income , invest , investing , money , passive income , rich , richthelongway , wealth

This is just an introduction but I hope you’re as excited as I am for this journey toward financial freedom from the beginning….


In the 2nd grade, all everyone cared about was candy, LEGOs and having playdates, not realizing that you needed green pieces of paper or plastic rectangles to get what you wanted

Keywords: journey , new things , background , blogging , development , experience , introduction , minimalisms , perfect ideals , personal , self help , start

This kind of lifestyle never really died out for me until my first year in college. In my head, I still thought that to be attractive to girls, you had to have a lot of money and spoil them. I thought that in order to be academically successful, you needed the best computer, the most expensive education. My parents hammered over and over again into my brain that in order to become successful, you had to be rich. It was all about the money.


When you expand your definition of “wealth” and start to become aware of the things that really make you feel good, you develop the awareness of what changes you need to make in order to ensure you are getting those things

Keywords: health , Lifestyle Blog , music , wellbeing , body , inspiration , joy , lifestyle , love , mentoring , mind , motivation , soul

I was only in a professional job for 18 months before circumstances trapped me in Costa Rica, and it’s now been a year of unplanned time off in which I’ve been transitioning and building a new life for myself whilst seeing my bank balance go down each month. There have been many obstacles come up, and difficult decisions to make, going against the grain of what I thought I was “supposed” to be doing with my life right now. I’m birthing a lot of projects, but I have no idea when all the pieces of the puzzle are going to fit together, and when the seeds I’ve planted will sprout. I keep myself motivated, positive, and in a mindset of trust, by tuning in with the non-material things that keep me feeling happy and “wealthy” inside.


I want to have multiple sources of income because they will eventually lead me to invest in another source of income

Keywords: {0}

I want to have good quality appliances in my house! I want to have full cupboards of groceries. I want my refrigerator full of food. I want quality cookware, plates & cutlery. I want a clean, cozy home, so my loved ones and I can relax despite the reality around.
