I want to help those who can not afford medical treatment

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The most important decision that I have found that is hard to make is the choice to continue our education. In this life is all about making decision between what is right or wrong for us. Most people want the easy life but that’s the wrong decision to choose because life will never come easy. My dream career is to be a doctor.


While I want the regulated, calm and confident demeaner in my personality and speech, I wouldn’t give this up at all

Keywords: busy , connect , conversation , excited , friend , happy , joy , loud , passion , upliftment

It was a reflection of what I felt deep down inside, things I am passionate about, things that may not be that prevalent or applicable in our day to day lives, but things that I do for myself and make me me! And next time someone strikes a conversation about one of those things, there is nothing stopping me from loosening up and jumping with joy.

Jumping with Joy! – Life as we don’t know it! (wordpress.com)

The story about good and evil ends on my couch

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with my children when I read them a fairy tale. It ends when they fight and hurt each other and instead of punishing them, I teach them how to love and make up. It ends when they tell a story about a kid in school that got in trouble and I reflect and say, “Maybe he was having a rough day.” It ends when I’m driving on the road and I have compassion for someone who cuts me off. It ends when I apologize for being unkind to my kids and admit, “I’m sorry. I love you. I’m doing the best I can, and I’m trying to do better.”


I can’t seem to move past it as quickly as I want to or thought I would

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maybe its all the little things about you that we have in common or maybe it’s your stupidly handsome face that i can’t get over. but oh my god, i am so fucking sick of this feeling. i honestly wish i could eternal sunshine of the spotless mind this shit and erase you from my memories. that’s how much i want you out of my head, fuck.

wish i could turn you back into a stranger – i must become a lion hearted girl (wordpress.com)

I identified her story as my story

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A year ago I would not ever think my feelings or portrayal of her would ever change. In fact, I went on a limb calling her retreat as being the single most life changing event in self discovery, I had ever experienced. When actually, the discovery was, it wasn’t a discovery after all. It was a desperation of belonging and willingness to believe her words had more power than mine. It was an agenda with a fluffed up version of Christianity that was to fit the needs of idolizing thy self. Honestly, I kept feeling this truth often, and pushing it aside.
