I want to focus the skills more on working with others because I know that collaboration can greatly enhance collective understanding and success as a team

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If in the future I am to create my own team, I can supplement my own weaknesses with the strengths of others I hire in order to improve our overall collaboration and success. I can also keep working on leveraging my strengths during my professional journey, whether in Therapeutic Recreation or OT, because when I know myself better and how to use my strengths, I can elevate my overall performance.


I wanted to be a pediatrician because, aside from the fact that every reason is to help others, which is the most typical reason you’ll hear from people in other professions, I enjoy working with children and being around them

Keywords: AllY’s open book

My purpose in this career is to help children have a brighter future by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Remember that our health is our most valuable asset, and it is something we must protect. I can also contribute to the development and nurturing of children as they grow as a pediatrician. We can engage with their parents to supervise and track their growth as they progress into adolescence. It is my job to treat and offer medical care to people who require it, regardless of their economic status. I will set a good example and serve as an inspiration to children by teaching good self-care practices in living the life they have. Lastly is having the opportunity to improve public health in our country as part of the medical field.


Not only do I want a good pay, but I would also like to enjoy whatever I want to do

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Many people have jobs they don’t want or they don’t enjoy. I want myself liking my profession in the future. I’d want to have a long-term career rather than a temporary position. I believe that having a good stable career is an important factor in build a life for myself. A stable job will ensure that I have all of the luxuries I desire in life without a struggle. One of the most crucial aspects of my future is finding a job that I enjoy.


I want my client to have the best experience with me, but I know that their negative remarks are not down to the quality of work I provided them with

Keywords: freelancing , health

I will always try to accommodate and act upon critique, if possible, but sometimes, believe me, it just isn’t. There are always going to be those clients who are difficult for the sake of being difficult, although, thankfully, they’re pretty rare. I’ve worked with perhaps 350 different clients, and maybe 10 of these I’d class as ‘difficult’. Funnily enough, you get more difficult clients when you first start out and when your prices are low, take from that what you will. As with anything, the more you do it, the more your confidence grows. As you gain feedback from your clients and see the impact your work has had on them and their business, you will see your worth first hand.


Due to my ambitious career goals, I wanted to work and strike the iron while it was hot and then retire by the time my first child entered middle school

Keywords: homeschooling , deschool , homeschooling , homeschooling mom , intentional living , is homeschooling good , why homeschool , why you should homeschool , working homeschooling mom

Initially, I wanted to begin homeschooling when my kids were in middle school. I wanted to spend those three very critical years of their development with them and I’m also a career lady—so this idea worked to my advantage. I couldn’t give up my career—it was not for the income or the accolades, it is a serious part of who I am. I thrive off of the mental stimulation and the professional challenges. You can throw me to the wolves, and I promise, I’ll return leading the pack—and I will enjoy every turn. You couldn’t take that away from me.


I am committed to my own professional development because I want to be the best that I can be in my job, but also as a person

Keywords: professional development

I will look for opportunities to do something I’ve never done before to challenge myself outside of my comfort zone. It is best to learn outside of my comfort zone, because I do things that I don’t usually do and therefore I will learn the best in such situation.


I have professional goals I want to meet, and in order to do so, I need to put myself out there a bit more

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This terrifies me, as I am a private person, and have not been a real big-risk taker in my life up to this point. But I have realized I want to move forward in my life and reach some of my dreams, and make room for new ones. I don’t want to have lived my full life and have the nagging thought ‘if only I’d…’. The idea of putting something out on the internet has the feeling of a lot of permanency behind it, and there is the part of me that wonders if anything I have to say is important enough to put out there. It may not be to most, but may be meaningful to some/one. 


As I continue to learn more, I want to know more, too

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I want to know what attitudes students have toward things like internet safety, privacy and social media use. All of those fall under digital citizenship. Do students know that their school internet accounts are monitored? That is a false safety net. They need to learn to be safe online prior to leaving school. The questions are, how do we teach that without alienating them and making them feel like we don’t trust them, and what would connect best with students? I’m thinking that I need to seek the sage advice of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, or consult my Magic 8 Ball, or, I suppose, I could continue to seek out trusted sources which can shed light on how best to teach digital citizenship, like […]


Therapy has a different purpose for different people, but for me it has been brilliant in helping me to develop trust in my own choices and have faith in my decisions

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A few days ago I received my final classification for my Broadcast Journalism degree. After a lot of very hard work and discipline, I thankfully graduated with a 2:1. Not the highest grade, but much better than the 2:2 or 3rd I would have received if I hadn’t have pulled myself together at several stages during the last two years.
