My goal for this space is to develop an audience

Keywords: {0}

Who is it that wants to read my book? Anybody? Once I get around to pitching it for publishers, however that works, they will want to know that more people than just my mother will want to read it. I have some grand ideas which hopefully will draw in readers. I am seriously thinking about creating a Substack. All the cool kids are doing it. At first, I had an idea to create a devotional which now seems pedantic and hard and not much fun. Another idea I have, which will require more time to implement, is to offer serial stories. It worked for Charles Dickens, right?

I want to write, but what will people think about it … what will they say … ?

Keywords: Life , Writing about life

I have to remind myself who I am writing for. It is for me, but it is also for those who may get something from what I have to say. I have a lot to share and I love to write and explore each medium that I find solace in. Writing has been an important apart of my life since I was pretty young.

I want to be heard

Keywords: {0}

I need somone like that yet I couldnt find one. I couldnt find someone… because Im annoying. Hard to understand. Jealous. Im weird. Says stuff that make people weirded. I am weird and every day i mask. I mask to be strong. I smile and take all in as if I am very okay. But I am not. I feel deprive. I feel lost. I feel sad. I feel mad. I feel left out. I feel horrible . Even no one do a bad thing. Even I have people around me. I am a burden. I am useless. I am done. I am stressed. I am weak. I cant beat all odds. I can’t be who I wanna be.

I want to be seen and heard as an equal person

Keywords: I AM , me , myself , whoIam

I’m a person with a story. I’ve seen numerous effects, and I’ve had to do numerous effects that I would not want to do again. But I’ve learned from them, and it has made me who I’m moment. I’m a person who has studies and passions. I’ve the capability to feel happiness, sadness, wrathfulness, and more. I’m also an individual with my own studies, solicitations, and pretensions in life. All of these effects make me who I’m as a person or existent.

here i am, a year later since i admitted to myself that i want to be a writer

Keywords: writing

so you have been creating art for yourself for a while now and are finally ready for the world to see it? actually publishing your work, well, that’s something else entirely. i started publishing my work on tumblr in 2018 (i think) and published it almost every day for a few years. with tumblr dying more and more, i decided to move to instagram and, after a few failed attempts, kept regularly posting since the summer of 2020. i’m not gonna lie: putting your work out there is hard. and trying to get it seen even harder. there are so many talented artists, how do i stand out, do i even want to stand out? do i want to constantly perform, constantly post? do i want to be a part of a platform that values quantity over quality? honestly, the answer to most of those was no, at least for me personally. but i knew at the same time that social media can also give artists a chance to be seen, a chance for their voice to be heard, the possibility to connect with other amazingly talented artists and with people who resonate with their work and for that, however challenging Instagram and co might be, i am incredibly thankful.