I wanna show people that if you have a good idea then all you gotta do is act it out and find a way to really construct an act

Keywords: en , body image , gender identity , lgbtq+

When I went to that show [Boylesque], there was not a single performer who was exactly who I wanted to be. They were different and that’s how I got the courage. You don’t need someone who is exactly like you, you just need to see that there’s room for everybody.


I want to taste everything the world has to offer

Keywords: blood clot , eating disorders , illness , mental health , physical health , pulmonary embolism , sport

And as well as the space in my schedule, it also gave me space in my mind. With a little thought and a lot of help, it has highlighted what I truly want in all aspects of my life – my career, my hobbies, my friendships. I am exploring avenues I never have before with genuine excitement. I am realising that if I can work out what it is I want, then it is in my control to make the changes to work towards that. And the time is always now.


I should challenge myself and face my fears

Keywords: blog

I’ll be trying out a bunch of activities that I find interesting alone. Hopefully through this experience that I’m sharing with you, I will learn more about myself. My blog will be focusing on lifestyle, fashion, self love, and everything about me. Rather than experiencing this alone I think it is quite nice to share it with other people through blogging. I think that there are people out there who will relate to me.


The more I grow with my anxiety, the more I want to experience on my own

Keywords: Blog Posts , anxiety , independence , mental health , social anxiety

I have always relied on my parents for everything, and they have always been able to provide it, which I will forever be grateful, but there’s just days where I don’t really feel like interacting with anyone I live with, and not because I’m in a mood or anything, it’s just the energy I put into an interaction, is energy I’d rather spend on something else. I guess this is why I’m always out with friends, and if I’m not, I try to leave the house at least once, just to get some space.
