I want to associate with people that live with purpose — that have passions and pursuits

Keywords: consecutive running , self development

What do you do for work? is one of the most common questions asked when meeting someone for the first time – whether that be at a networking event, a first date, or at a party. We then proceed to judge someone and categorize them based on our perceptions or preconceived notions of said career. I personally find this question a challenge to navigate. I do many things for work – some paid, some not paid – but one commonality across all of them is that I am none of them.


I wanted to do everything not to pass this on to them

Keywords: childcare

I wanted them to love their own bodies and appreciate all the beauty in others. I’m talking about their bodies not just for what they look like, but for what they can do. I am not telling them that they cannot wear certain clothes even if they are not flattering. Because I’ve read all the stuff that says it’s not what we say as mothers but what we do, I also vowed never to denigrate my body in front of them, not even mics – assaults like mumbling an outfit makes me look fat, or that I “really shouldn’t be eating anything”.


I am no longer asking myself what I should do that will make my parents proud, but what I want to do that will make ME happy

Keywords: {0}

Embracing this crazy but wonderful journey and not obsessing over the future. What success looks like to me now is much healthier, much clearer, and a whole lot of who I am and who I aim to be. It could still change though, for as long as I’m growing as a person.


Knowing your value and respecting your boundaries is knowing to say no to the things that will not add value to your life and not respecting your boundaries

Keywords: Life Ramblings , aging , career , creative writing , experience , growing up , growth , interest , job , life , passion , writing

So I’m glad in a way that while it’s quite a hard decision to make because I feel I’m letting go of another opportunity that could have been, it’s also a lesson and a reminder that while there are opportunities everywhere, not every opportunity is right for me.
