I want him to be at peace and that everything will be ok if he chooses to give up

Keywords: A new beginning…..

I want him to be at peace and that everything will be ok if he chooses to give up. He had a great life. He achieved so much, a poor immigrant who came to the UK with big dreams that all came true. He provided a wonderful and privileged life for us. I am so thankful for all of it. He has always and will always be my hero.


I suppose I want to be able to impart some wisdom

Keywords: death , grief , grieving , jenr8ionwidow , widow , widower

I think that maybe my impatience and critical thinking come from a place of helplessness. I, even with my what I have learned, what many of us have learned, cannot make their pain go away. I can only impart my experiences and hope that maybe something I say can be relatable. If you can relate to any part of my story, maybe you can also relate to what I have learned.


I want to taste everything the world has to offer

Keywords: blood clot , eating disorders , illness , mental health , physical health , pulmonary embolism , sport

And as well as the space in my schedule, it also gave me space in my mind. With a little thought and a lot of help, it has highlighted what I truly want in all aspects of my life – my career, my hobbies, my friendships. I am exploring avenues I never have before with genuine excitement. I am realising that if I can work out what it is I want, then it is in my control to make the changes to work towards that. And the time is always now.


started falling in love with my life again

Keywords: The Journey , blog , healing , Journey , lifestyle , mental health , self care , self healing , self love , twenty something

I want to grow into the best version of myself. And I can feel myself inching my way there. Wherever you are in your journey: it’s okay. And it’s okay to take a break.

originally published @ emilyish.com/2021/12/14/its-okay-to-take-a-break

Being stupid seems much less ridiculous than going to work tomorrow

Keywords: life and death , annoyed , blogging , bored , career changes , fuckitall , introversion , life , loneliness , ridiculous , searching , time , travelling , writing

I want to be stupid. Stupid enough to sell this house and get on an airplane. And I don’t particularly love travelling, so I don’t want to go anywhere too far. I want to taste other food and talk to other people. All before I die. I won’t be alive much longer. Time flies at a sabotaging speed.
