What I’d really like to learn is to have the confidence and self-assuredness that I can do anything I want to do or to be

Keywords: Judy , Sanity , Sidetracked Legacies , Technology/Education , buildingconfidence , learnignewskills , legacystories , legacywriting , raisethebarhigher , sidetrackedjudy , sidetrackedlegacies , sidetrackedsisters , spicerack , writeyourownlegacy

I am famous for telling other people that they can do anything they set their minds to. How can I be so hypocritical about trash-talking myself, when I do know better? At least my head knows better but my heart has a hard time exhibiting what my head knows for sure.


What I have been learning over the past few weeks is that your mindset/thoughts/beliefs have a huge impact on your life and the things that happen

Keywords: general , affirmations , business , business coach , coaching , concern , dreams , dreams come true , entrepreneur , gratitude , manifesting , money

I am very good at what I do and as I do it more I will become even better and more and more people will want to work with me because more and more people will find out that the clothes I make are lovely, last a long time and make people feel awesome in them. Money is a funny thing. There is something about being grateful for what we have that increases and expands what we have. There is something about giving and sharing also that expands what we have. I [think] this realization about gratitude is important right now because I wonder if my worry and concern over money is actually preventing me from being fully grateful because I am always afraid I’m going to lose it.


Some days are just plain tough and that’s okay, there are going to be days that you don’t have it completely under control but cut yourself some slack and don’t take it personally

Keywords: life + style , self care and worthiness , anxiety , helplines , postpartum , postpartum anxiety , self care

Remember you are not alone in this – so many these days suffer from anxiety, seek support from others when you need it, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Reaching out shows strength and also demonstrates bravery for speaking out.


I don’t feel like me and I’m really trying to find my way back

Keywords: random thoughts , adulthood , advice , emotional , fear , happiness , life , lost , myself , opportunities , overthink , rant , thoughts , update

I mean I know I’m fine and I’ll be fine eventually but this girl is struggling and I don’t know what I want in life nor do I know what I’m doing.


Help me gain more confidence in my work and when presenting my work to others

Keywords: inspiration , learning on the job

I would like to get to a place where I can take criticism without getting defensive and acknowledging that everyone has their own opinions. It is crucial within design to be able to grow from criticism, not every potential employer will like your work, not every client will understand your creative vision but that is ok. If I can work on honing my skills to the best of my ability, learning from criticism and creating work that I am proud of then I hope everything else will follow in time.


I want people to see me as a mature adult


I guess what this all boils down to is that you have to remind yourself that everyone has a path in life and each one is different. Remind yourself that wherever you are in your life right now is okay. The choices you make determine your path whether they be bad or good. Do not try to follow others pave your own way and keep pushing for what you want out of your life.
