I’ll definitely revisit this later and do some editing and figure out how I want to structure my posts, because my perfectionist brain is screaming at me to have some sense of structure and plot to this project, but honestly right now I am just enjoying ranting to the void about whatever comes into my very overfilled-with-useless-information brain

Keywords: chaos , fuck adulting , personal , rant , scatterbrain

I’m now most likely going to go back to trawling linkedin for translation opportunities because apparently I am not a good person if I am not productive and contributing to capitalism in some way, shape or form. Fucking adulting. What a drag.


I’m thinking in the village and cottage I’d want a major project to work on as I would have the time

Keywords: home , prompts , choices , cottage , experiences , journaling , regrets , say yes , wins

I’m trying to live with fewer regrets so renting a cottage filled this void. Something I had never done before so try it. There is nothing to lose. Well, I had a relaxing week of reading, painting, sitting on the deck doing nothing and walking the beach. I enjoyed it. I needed it. This was not what I was expecting but hello what I needed.


I want to work on creating a boundary where I can still get the work I need to do done, but also live my life outside of school

Keywords: {0}

I also want to work on slowing down and truly living, meaning less phone screen time, taking my time with meals, and going to new places, trying new things. Another big goal of mine is, while still trying to maintain this slowing down, to continue content creation. It has fulfilled the artistic and extroverted side of me and brings me more joy than I thought it would originally. So, feel free to continue following along on my journey!


I want to find a way to stop running all these subroutines and just let the processor sit idle

Keywords: fitness

I am definitely not as good at that as just sleeping. My “vacation” is full of to do’s, curriculum review and marking. I’m going to have to work on actively forbidding myself to do things on particular days or maybe just going at a pace that doesn’t feel pushed like it does when I am not trying to rest. Wow, even that phrase, “trying to rest” reads like an oxymoron.
