I wanna show people that if you have a good idea then all you gotta do is act it out and find a way to really construct an act

Keywords: en , body image , gender identity , lgbtq+

When I went to that show [Boylesque], there was not a single performer who was exactly who I wanted to be. They were different and that’s how I got the courage. You don’t need someone who is exactly like you, you just need to see that there’s room for everybody.


Years from now if I’m reading this again I want to realize that this phase of my life was difficult and I was unafraid to acknowledge how I felt

Keywords: untouched , definitionsofme , fears , mentalhealth

I realize if I’m only going to post the happy happy things then I’m only faking my thoughts right!? It’s humanly not possible to have only positive affirmations all the time.


What I wanted to do was read through tons of books and maintain a library maybe, work at a coffee house and paint something on the streets

Keywords: snippets , i am so tired lol , maybe , rants , snippet , who am i , writer

It’s scary, not knowing what you want. And it’s scarier, knowing what you want but having no courage to go after it even when you are living the regret every day. I wonder who was she… I wonder where did she go.. I admire her.. I miss her, even when what I have now, what I am now might have been everything she would’ve ever wanted. But she had something that’s long dead in me – the courage to dream.


Whilst I knew it was something I wanted to do one day in theory, the impossibility of it all seemed too easy to be swayed by, and whether I would actually eventually have the balls to risk doing it at all seemed like an entirely different matter altogether

Keywords: lifestyle , memories , musings , change your life , gratitude , happy place , live the life you imagined , my journey , new life , the small things

People would always tell me I was brave, but I didn’t believe them. At the point I actually moved here they told me more than ever before but I actually knew there was nothing brave about it, it had simply come to the point where it was do or die and something simply HAD to change. But now I believe that I am brave. I can do whatever I put my mind to IF I really want to.


I want you to know that the decision Chad and I made to quit our jobs, get rid of almost all our things and hit the road is a decision that we’ve made fully aware of this whole ‘no guarantees’ thing

Keywords: {0}

We are two months away from our departure. Two months away from leaving everything we know behind. One of the big looming questions is, will we figure out how to earn money? Thankfully we’ve been able to save some to help keep ourselves fed while figuring it out, because we both see nomadic life as something we want to do for a while. In order to succeed, we have to be able to support ourselves.


All I wanted was for one person to reach out and ask me if I was okay, see that I wasn’t, and just be there with me

Keywords: encouragement , writing

What I often forget is that others are struggling too. I forget that I can be the difference, see those struggles, and reach out to them. Chances are, they want someone to be with them, too. The more you reach out and touch others, the more people see the light ahead; and the more likely it is that they’ll see how greatly they can touch someone.


I should challenge myself and face my fears

Keywords: blog

I’ll be trying out a bunch of activities that I find interesting alone. Hopefully through this experience that I’m sharing with you, I will learn more about myself. My blog will be focusing on lifestyle, fashion, self love, and everything about me. Rather than experiencing this alone I think it is quite nice to share it with other people through blogging. I think that there are people out there who will relate to me.
