As an adult, the things that I want to receive are hard to find

Keywords: december , christmas , christmaswish , gift , present

Some are expensive, while others are hard to wrap. I mean, how can someone possibly wrap a peace of mind. Where can you buy it? Or self-fulfillment, perhaps. How about a sense of purpose? What about clarity of mind or a clear headspace? I mean, is there a store selling any of those?

How far can you really run from technology in a world that’s run by it?

Keywords: self care , thoughts , boredom , entertainment , life , screen , selfcare , technology

“I am bored” I remember saying these words as a child, having nothing to do. I don’t get as easily bored anymore, either because I don’t find the time, or the mental space to do so. When I say I am bored now, it’s usually followed by more. I am bored of scrolling through social media, I am bored of watching Netflix, I am bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Oh how much the world has changed, and how much have our minds.

I’ve been struggling with being consistent and being ready to finally choose me, choose to finally go after what i want

Keywords: monday motivation , goals , new start , next chapter , purpose , self worth

i feel like damn all these years went by with my same goals every year but didn’t achieve all of that yet because real life gave so much stress, looking at all the things i didn’t have instead of looking for a change and have positive thoughts. Now that i’m a mom life hits different, more motivated than ever, the timing is now. I’ve waited too long for this, but now I choose Happiness, I choose to show my daughter that it’s never too late to go after what you truly want in life and that you can achieve everything you put your mind too. I’m so ready for The next chapter and to show the world my creative mind.

I find like-minded minds easily

Keywords: allgemein , career , future , inspiration , manifesting , peace

And this is the state we are going through when we chose what we want to do after school. We have zero life experience, never had to manage our time ourselves and maybe didn’t even have the time to find the things that we want to pursue. That’s why i will do spontaneous things after school first. Save money and travel, see places without any duties or time schedules to fulfill. I feel like I have to be completely free first before I start a new chapter in my life.

I want control and I don’t have it

Keywords: blog post , empowerment , fear , healing , self awareness , spirituality , stuck , worry

The mind is nuts. The awareness will return. Things will move forward when they are supposed to and it will all be fine. I know that. But for today, for right now, the mind is exploring the world of doubt and fear because it’s familiar and comfortable, and that’s okay too.