I want to focus the skills more on working with others because I know that collaboration can greatly enhance collective understanding and success as a team

Keywords: {0}

If in the future I am to create my own team, I can supplement my own weaknesses with the strengths of others I hire in order to improve our overall collaboration and success. I can also keep working on leveraging my strengths during my professional journey, whether in Therapeutic Recreation or OT, because when I know myself better and how to use my strengths, I can elevate my overall performance.


I want to be a journalist because similar to my job at McDonald’s, I see it as a great platform to help people

Keywords: personal , blog , blogpost , dog , football , wolves

I grew up in a small village in the South-West called Stoborough. Whilst I ended up branching out to the bigger areas such as Poole and Bournemouth, Stoborough will always have a special place in my heart because it played a massive role in the events that made me who I am today. It made me realise that, as crease as it sounds, there’s nothing stronger than people working together to make sure we’re all doing OK. Journalism presents me with the opportunity to do that every day and gives me the opportunity to do the right thing for the people who want to get their stories heard.


Bits & Pieces

This morning I had an idea of something I wanted to post, but I was in the middle of getting breakfast ready… and now I’ve forgotten what it was. 😐

Some people think that if it’s important, then it will return sooner or later, but I’m not so sure about that. For members of the community, I strongly recommend using the drafts feature to quickly jot down an idea, and then instead of clicking the blue “Publish” button at top right, to use the “Save draft” link to the left of it — and then it will be saved to the (list of) drafts page (same link as above).

That way, editors can review and reach out (and encourage) hashing out such “bits & pieces” into full ideas. I think we should use the drafts page as a collaborative whiteboard, sticking potential “post it” stickers there, maybe suggesting edits, making annotations, etc. A good idea is a terrible thing to lose!