I want to give you things to think about and form your own conclusions, which may be entirely different than my own

Keywords: {0}

So, let’s be clear from the outset my intent is to [present] some things for you to think about. I will not do all the research, I’m not a journalist, I’m not a politician, my grammar and spelling are imperfect, and even my thoughts and opinions are imperfect. However, if I can challenge you to think about what I’ve written than my mission is accomplished.


I am committed to my own professional development because I want to be the best that I can be in my job, but also as a person

Keywords: professional development

I will look for opportunities to do something I’ve never done before to challenge myself outside of my comfort zone. It is best to learn outside of my comfort zone, because I do things that I don’t usually do and therefore I will learn the best in such situation.


Most of my celebrations for meeting my goals would revolve around this project, this dream, this little fantasy I had of hosting a podcast

Keywords: contentment , creativity , happiness , podcast , creativity , happiness , podcast

This means I have to learn how to ask. Ask people to share. Ask people to subscribe. Ask people to rate and leave reviews. This, for introverted me, is the stuff of nightmares, even if it is only a virtual ask, with the internet as a buffer between me and my perceived judgment from others. But, just like learning to set boundaries, which was something I learned to do in 2021, this will be critical to growth in 2022.


It’s important to me to share stories and show others why I am passionate about so many different things while encouraging individuals to do the same

Keywords: community , Family Travel , Fitness , lifestyle , mom blog , momlife , parenting

I don’t cry because of the negative memories, I cry because I WON. I win over and over again every day, and I will never stop. I cry because I supported my children and provided them a life of opportunity, love, and consistency, when I should’ve broke. I cry because I decided to move on and chase my dreams, while remaining hopeful and positive. I also cry because it was worth the pain in order to find my loving fiance’, it was worth ending up in a job that I love to wake up to and it was worth it because I have found my PASSION for life. The passion and purpose was always there, but I just had to figure out where it was inside of me :).


I want people reading this to know it’s ok to trust your gut

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I immediately thought about my 20s: all the roadblocks and subsequent miracles that had to happen for me to have the privilege of sitting on that bike overlooking the New York City skyline that day. As I close this chapter and embark on my 30’s (which btw everyone says is 10x better than your 20s and so far I agree), it’s fitting for me to finally share about those roadblocks, and the pride I have for overcoming them.
