I wanted so desperately for my kids to be safe and happy, that I oftentimes didn’t allow them to fall and pick themselves back up

Keywords: motherhood , boundaries , children , family , kids , parenthood , raising children , respect

Expectations- we all have dreams for our kids but those dreams should never interfere with what our kids actually want. Encouragement is necessary and beneficial but expectation is toxic and dangerous. We should not be “living through” our kids, we should be sharing the experiences and life they choose. Expecting our kids to have a particular education, a certain job, earn a certain amount of money, be a particular sexual orientation or live a life you deem worthy is not unconditional love. Being embarrassed or ashamed of our kids if they are struggling in life, is more a reflection on our own lack than it is on our kids. I want to know my kids struggles so I can support them and we can work together for the healthiest outcome. My kids know there is nothing they cannot tell me, I will never judge them. If you can’t accept that your child will be their own person, suffer struggles and make mistakes or choose a lifestyle that makes them happy, rather then fitting into your mould- perhaps parenthood is not for you.


This is where I want to be

Keywords: Homemaking , Mamahood

Theo did not like it at first. The coffee grinder is loud and frightening to him, unless Mama holds him. He does not want to be on the floor while Mama tends to the electric kettle, which is far too interesting for him to not watch up close himself. What’s more, the coffee grounds smell so good, and look like dirt. He wants to feel that for himself too, and he loves to grab the spoon Mama uses to remove the grounds from the grinder, spilling them on the counter. Mama sighs, but Theo finds it so enthralling.


My feelings of overwhelm often stem from internal pressures that I’ve put on myself

Keywords: {0}

I want to have activities planned for my kids every day. I have a hard time just letting them be bored (because then the whining ensues.) I want to limit screen time and make sure they spend enough time outside. Other things on my to-do list include reading Bible stories and to them and keeping the house clean throughout the day. I want to be productive and check things off my to-do list so that I feel like I’m doing enough. Then I have things I can point to and say “look what I got done today.”


I would cry looking at the calendar and seeing there were so many days left

Keywords: motherhood

Mentally i think i was losing it. 1. The stress of not being able to take care of my son the way I want to because I am the size of Texas and had the energy level of a pea. 2. Not being able to keep up with my sons growing energy levels 3. Being closed off from most of society and being stuck at home due to the pandemic 4. Pregnancy hormones. All of this makes a disgusting combination of one hell of a hot mess which was me. except i wasn’t even hot.


I used to be the most important person in their lives, but they’ve grown up without so much as a backward glance

Keywords: life at 40 , growing up , motherhood , woman

I peer back into the past to see if I can catch a glimpse of an earlier version of me, but that person was young and full of insecurities. And our dreams no longer match up. I’m wiser now, rounder in both body and spirit, and with mileage in my soul, I see barely a shadow of myself in the younger version of me. Like an oak tree contemplating an acorn I suppose. There is something quite liberating in this activity though. Pleasure floods through me when I realise I am no longer as fragile, no longer as desperate to be liked or no longer as hungry to make my mark on the world. I am, I come to a startling conclusion, content. I mull this concept around in my mind for a while. Contentment. It is so far from what I think I wanted in life, and yet, I like the way it feels. Smooth. Pleasing. Comfortable. I’m shrugging this on, like my new furry coatigan, while I work out what I want to do for this next stage of my life. How I want to spend my time and energy, which is less boundless than it once was. And I come to the conclusion that this stage of life is a gift. An opportunity to think again about where to direct oneself. It comes with the acceptance that there is no destination that does not fly past before you’ve had time to unpack and change the bed linen. Life is flow. Life is motion. Life is what happens between events. Life must be lived in the moment.
