What I wanted to do was read through tons of books and maintain a library maybe, work at a coffee house and paint something on the streets

Keywords: snippets , i am so tired lol , maybe , rants , snippet , who am i , writer

It’s scary, not knowing what you want. And it’s scarier, knowing what you want but having no courage to go after it even when you are living the regret every day. I wonder who was she… I wonder where did she go.. I admire her.. I miss her, even when what I have now, what I am now might have been everything she would’ve ever wanted. But she had something that’s long dead in me – the courage to dream.


I have always wanted to sing in a band

Keywords: Trains of thought , introduction

you will only really get to know me through time. Perhaps you know me personally and our conversations will each time reveal a small part of my heart. Otherwise you might just get to know me through my written snapshots, posted on this blog. Either way, I hope you will get to see a true part of who I am. It is my intention to be honest, although honesty on the Internet is not always the smartest way to go. I’ll have to figure that out as I go along. My main message though, that I want you to remember, is this: we are all unmistakably human. And beautifully so.


I know I want to diversify, so to speak, and need to discover just where that might take me

Keywords: daily journal , having my say , day to day life , diversify , dreaming

I need to face the fact that my lifelong dreaming has perhaps caused more harm than good. By always dreaming of the future made my life in the present disappointing. I wanted my future to happen on my schedule, but never had the gumption to really make that happen. I recognize that now. It’s not too late to do something about it, but the window of opportunity is closing for me.


I just want to know the answer

Keywords: {0}

But even I think for the answer for a long time, I can’t find the right answer. I always thought an important piece is missing and it will take a long time to find it. But still, I will not give up to find the right answer that will satisfy me. I think that having the answer for those questions will prove my existence to the world, I don’t need money or fame to prove it, I just want to know the answer and will pass my knowledge to my children and to my grandkids.


I’m an overthinker so I wanted to know every detail

Keywords: {0}

I’m an over thinker so I wanted to know every detail about my dorm, how everything works and I don’t think I found enough information anywhere. I looked up YouTube videos and on any Texas State social media’s but nothing was answering my questions, it all seemed so confusing. I believe I’m a very independent person and I will find a way to do it and figure it out, so I did.


this is my online journal, from things I’ve learned, to things I’m learning, to things I want to learn, and things I know, and things I’ve tried

Keywords: blog , education , encouragement , hair , health , hobby , personal

So will this be a particularly thrilling blog? Probably not. We’ll see if I even keep up with it all, really. I hope I do. I have so many thoughts and a GREAT ability to ramble on for age, so IF you stay, thank you to listening to my ridiculousness.


As I continue to learn more, I want to know more, too

Keywords: {0}

I want to know what attitudes students have toward things like internet safety, privacy and social media use. All of those fall under digital citizenship. Do students know that their school internet accounts are monitored? That is a false safety net. They need to learn to be safe online prior to leaving school. The questions are, how do we teach that without alienating them and making them feel like we don’t trust them, and what would connect best with students? I’m thinking that I need to seek the sage advice of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, or consult my Magic 8 Ball, or, I suppose, I could continue to seek out trusted sources which can shed light on how best to teach digital citizenship, like […]
