I just want to give a glimpse into the craziness that IS teaching

Keywords: fun and more , education , quit , resignation , resigned , retired , school , schools , students , teacher , teaching

If we want public schooling to be an option for generations to come, then we need to start treating teachers as if they’re actually valued. Teachers need higher pay. They need better security to keep them and their students safe. They need parents to work with them instead of criticizing their every move. Teachers need parents to teach their kids to be respectful and work with them when they aren’t. And for God’s sake, stop thinking PTA lunches and pizza parties are the band-aid that’s going to keep teachers in schools.


I want to be someone with a valuable skill that is not replicable

Keywords: {0}

What if your business can’t be taken over by robots? Well, that would be great. That means that you would be less likely to be replaced. If your business is anything that a robot would have a hard time doing, you are totally in the clear.


I want less shifts than before the pandemic

Keywords: pandemic , parents , vertigo

Unemployment has saved my ass this last year and a half. It’s made it possible to keep working on writing and music and pay the bills. I’ve been lucky, because it supplements gigs and record and book sales and tea towels and t-shirts I’ve printed and sold. I’m always hustling but unemployment made the hustle more benign, less stressful.


I was TERRIFIED because I wanted to work in Labor and Delivery so bad!

Keywords: {0}

After my interview, I was told to expect to hear back in about a week. Six days passed and I was getting ready to take graduation pictures when I texted my roommate that I was upset and felt like I wasted my practicum time because I felt like there was no way I would get a job in L&D. Twenty minutes after I sent that text, I got a call where I was informed that A JOB OFFER WAS BEING EXTENDED TO ME! I was so overwhelmed with joy! I accepted that job and am currently waiting on my temporary license to begin working at my dream job!


I want to have a career but this job hunting is so hard

Keywords: {0}

They say your 20’s should be the best time of your life but I am literally struggling! Life after college for me feels like a shit show. I feel like everybody is doing better than me in life. I know I should not compare myself with other people but it is so hard when you have social media it is a constant reminder that someone is doing better than you.
