I wanted to try out his outdoor class

Keywords: My Portugal visits , brita , energy , Onestepatatime , singelwoman , zumba

so I took my car and drove off. Suddenly I passed a large shopping center, and decided to do a stop there. I want to buy a Brita (water filtration system) and both save nature and my arms carrying all those water bottles around! Once I entered the building I saw that they also had a car wash service. Perfect! My car really needs a clean after being on the road for so many miles. First available appointment was in Tuesday. Said and done!


I really love the world of (dance) events, and I would love to do big productions in the future

Keywords: dj , edm , events , kay

Ever since I started to listen to dance music, my life got took over by it. Since that day I live for a dream: Being on top of the EDM Scene. That means that I want to learn as much as possible about all the ins and outs. I love to play as a DJ and produce music in the Bedroom, but I also love to learn the other side of this world: EVENTS.


I believe we can’t help but to want to be better human beings and do our part to make this earth a more beautiful home for all living beings

Keywords: teaching

My breath become fuller and my back became stronger and more flexible. I felt more confident in myself and I found myself wanting to be a better person, to improve on qualities such as practicing patience and forgiveness, and balancing out the various aspects of life such as work, socializing and play time, exercising, eating well, spending quality time with Rick, spending time in nature, gardening, learning, reading, sleeping. I know that maintaining balance is a constant effort; it’s the dance of life. Yoga helps me to navigate the dance gracefully.


I do not know what to write about and I am not too sure still what I want to write about

Keywords: {0}

My name is Monika, but everyone calls me Mimii. I am a dance teacher. I like to read almost any type of book, I love binge-watching series and I have a special kind of admiration for children’s animations. I like to sing, although I am terrible at it. I like to be adventurous and spend time outdoors with my friends. I travel the world from time to time and love to immerse myself in the culture whenever I go to a new country. History, art, culture, the way people live and the food they eat are just fascinating.
