I want to love myself again

Keywords: thoughts , mentalhealth , selflovejourney

I know self-love is a journey been there done that. But I didn’t believe or dared to even think that I could lose the love for myself. I fell out of love with myself, which, let me tell you – sucks. I’d like to say of myself that I’m very self-aware -which I still believe I am. However, I don’t understand how I could be self-aware and yet still go down this road of falling “out of love” with myself. I’m not sure how it happened. I do have a few ideas which I’m not going to share publicly because that is a very personal issue, but let’s move on.


I’m craving depth, I want to learn, I want to hear stories, I want to see people

Keywords: lifestyle blogging , adventure , blogger , caribbean , freelance , information , lifestyle , people

COVID-19 may have stopped this summer from manifesting in it’s typical sense but it has not stopped me from working around it lmao. COVID-19 has done many things, and one of them was giving me time to do some soul-searching and map out my next steps, amid the global climate.


Start thinking of yourself as the main character, because if you don’t life will continue to pass you by

Keywords: 2021 , posts

We are only given one life, so why do we seem to spend so much time picking out the right clothes to impress others, or learning the right things to say to get the job? Why don’t we stop trying to be what we think everyone wants from us and just be our true selves, no matter how weird we may be. Why don’t we begin to be honest with ourselves and live how we want to, because at the end of life, no one else’s opinions or thoughts will be coming with us, so what better time to romanticize our lives then right now!?


I want some purpose

Keywords: {0}

to be in touch with nature, to do things much more traditionally. To ditch the TV, the busy traffic, social media, and to get out there and do things. My yearning for more, something actually meaningful is becoming overwhelming and actually frustratingly depressing. The more time that goes by that I’m deprived of my natural gender role, the more my natural instincts are kicking in, the more frustrated and discontent I am becoming with life, the less bright I see my future becoming. I know, such a morbid post, but I’m just bluntly and simply expressing my thoughts and feelings as a woman in my circumstances and in this day and age, I know I am not alone.


I have this deep desire to be wise, and seek wisdom, I am very accepting of adding another year to my age

Keywords: life , love , birthday , blogging , encouragement , gratitude , kindness , personal , positive , self , truth , worth

You have this moment. Now. Please take a deep breath and as you exhale, remind yourself that you are worthy! You are amazing! You are seen! Because you exist, somebody’s life is better! You make a bigger positive impact than what you will ever think you do! And then get out there, wrinkles and all, and remind someone else that they matter too! ❤


Store owners beam and put their own face, person, livelihood behind their product, and with that, accountability, ownership, pride

Keywords: What We Are

in a season where isolation and independence have become the norm, even praised and celebrated, i want to lean hard on my place, my people, i want to depend on things to be there for me – the bread shop that opens every day until midnight, the aunty who sells the softest cotton sleepwear every sunday, the uncle who i know will be there, faithfully repairing shoes until he no longer can… in turn, they depend on (us/me), for their livelihood, purpose; and for both of us, we want each other, for the warmth, interaction, companionship.


Therapy has a different purpose for different people, but for me it has been brilliant in helping me to develop trust in my own choices and have faith in my decisions

Keywords: {0}

A few days ago I received my final classification for my Broadcast Journalism degree. After a lot of very hard work and discipline, I thankfully graduated with a 2:1. Not the highest grade, but much better than the 2:2 or 3rd I would have received if I hadn’t have pulled myself together at several stages during the last two years.


When the rest of my life was falling apart, when I was lonely and afraid, depressed and self-destructive, I had dinner

Keywords: personal growth and spirituality , abraham maslow , creativity , psychology , self-development

A different way of looking at “the used life,” perhaps. As a means of using our capacities to create a firm foundation. As a way of coping with stress, overwhelm, and crisis. We’ve all got to have something—some series of behaviors, rituals, activities, skills—that make life worth living when it doesn’t feel that way. As for me, mine are rooted in the stuff of daily life. I have discovered that, no matter where I am, as long as I am making use of the present—by being creative, by using my body, by engaging my senses to the fullest and fulfilling the single most important responsibility I have to myself—to be alive— the miraculous is always in my backyard. It’s in my neighbors, my friends and loved ones. It’s in the birds and the butterflies. And, of course, it’s always in my kitchen. It’s dinner, friends. It’s dinner.


If there is one thing I want to do with my career (other than survive and be able to afford to live), it’s to love people

Keywords: personal , reflections , social , social justice , wellbeing

To be able to feel and show compassion to those who are marginalised in our society by whatever means and help those within my generation and beyond to see past outdated institutional beliefs. I want to one day be able to experience that warm feeling you get when you see communities coming together, and not when something disastrous happens, but in our everyday lives. The kind of feeling you feel when a little child hugs your legs because they are so full of love for everyone. We adults could learn so much from children if we give them more of a voice.
