Lots of considerations and choices, and ones I’m aware I am privileged to have

Keywords: Appreciation , fear of success , gratitude , mindfulness , business , goals , gratitude tude , Money Issues , self care , success

I have not much clue about what I want, beyond being warm and healthy enough. Having easy access to nature. Some friendly people to interact and share with. A partner who is loving and trustworthy would be a bonus. And maybe another dog.


I desire to be appreciated, rather than merely tolerated

Keywords: acknowledgment , appreciation , friendships , personal growth , reflection , self acceptance , self esteem , Taylor swift , transformation , Vulnerability

I want to be someone who loves unconditionally. But, I realized I do have a condition that keeps me from loving people that way: and it’s my desire to be appreciated, rather than merely tolerated.


I want to do all these things but they never seem to come true

Keywords: Life

I’m so hard on myself. Maybe that’s my biggest issue. I only point out all that I and others lack. What could be better. Instead of appreciating what is already. I love myself. I love you. I love how you are always trying to make me feel good. Taking care of my every need. Protecting me from me. Nourishing me body and soul.


I want to be happy

Keywords: {0}

You can always work for money, but with happiness, it’s a lot harder to obtain. In my opinion, you have to constantly and consistently pursue it, cultivate and manifest happiness into your life. I love my family, my pets, my friends, crocheting/knitting, eating, traveling, learning languages and so much more. These things bring me happiness. They’re really simple things, but honestly, I think I a lot more simple compared to others. I just have to remind myself that it’s okay to be simple. I don’t have to work at the most famous company to be successful. I don’t have to have the perfect straight A’s to be considered smart (I lowkey dumb tho ahah). I don’t have to be someone else to be happy. I am me. I can’t change that, so I better start appreciating with what I have instead of restlessly pursuing something/someone that might not even make me happy, and even if it does, to reach 100% happiness is probably really impossible. So why not be happy with the things I have/the person I am now?
