All I wanted was for one person to reach out and ask me if I was okay, see that I wasn’t, and just be there with me

Keywords: encouragement , writing

What I often forget is that others are struggling too. I forget that I can be the difference, see those struggles, and reach out to them. Chances are, they want someone to be with them, too. The more you reach out and touch others, the more people see the light ahead; and the more likely it is that they’ll see how greatly they can touch someone.

I work my ass off every day to get a little closer to where I want to be

Keywords: the buildup , encouragment , mental health , rant , trauma , trigger warning , tw suicide , work

I don’t need validation to continue this journey, but it would be so nice. It would just be the sweetest thing to hear from someone else. I scream it at myself every day. I say, “Rudy, you’re doing so much better. You can pretend it’s a secret and get through this. You’re good enough.” I, however, am not a reliable source of emotional information to myself yet. I’m still working on that. Until then, any kind of encouragement is greatly appreciated.

I want to thank those people who stood with me at that time when I was so lost

Keywords: life , appreciation , friends , growth , journey , nostalgia , thank you

Those who supported me in their own way. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. The inspiration I got to pick up the pen to write, in the first place in 2018, changed my life, totally. I found my voice. Thank you, my friends, for your loving and caring presence and all the encouragement.

I want to believe in every one of my students that step foot in my classroom

Keywords: {0}

I want them to feel like they can achieve something great – something far beyond the classroom walls. I hope to encourage and challenge them to continue to seek the things that best illuminate their eyes with curiosity and wonder. I long to help peel back a clouded lens, offering clarity of vision that allows them to see their potential and worth.

I have simply recognized that encouraging myself has a far better shot at getting where I want to be

Keywords: {0}

Years ago, I had a client who came up with a personal mantra that made me smile. He had spent years telling himself he was ugly. This incredibly insecure and self-deprecating young man decided that, when exercising, he would chant “I am hot, I know it. I’m sexy and I show it.” He chanted the rhyme to me in my office. I loved it then and I love it now.