Now it is time to share my life and to enjoy the beauty that is romantic partnership

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We don’t have the answers and we never will, but we will be okay. We have to be comfortable living in the questions because there are some questions that will never be answered. I may never reach my dream, and that makes me sad. But does that mean my life doesn’t have meaning or purpose? Of course not. We make meaning and purpose with every interaction we have with others and with our art, our poetry, our music, and our contributions to society…even through our mundane jobs and our relationships. Our purpose is whatever we make it. Our legacy is in every single way we relate to the world…through relationships with people, through conservation, through our perspectives both experienced and shared. I think I am ready to stop trying so hard to make an impact and, rather, start living, traveling, interacting, loving, and just being. I’ll never not be an intellectual; it’s who I am. I will never stop contemplating the big questions or trying to problem-solve the big issues we face, but I don’t need to constantly produce something. It is enough just to exist…to breathe…to be grateful…and to rest.

I just wanted the support so that I had a few less people telling me they told me so if I were to fail

Keywords: dreams , journalism , magazine

Make sure to have fun in this life. Even if it’s from the bathroom floor. I was laughing somewhat hysterically and nervously while I talked to her on my cell phone from my kitchen floor. This was going to be huge for me. I’d done two 3-month internships for a stipend when I was 21, but I was now 31. It felt as though I was going backward, but backward back into my dream job. My internships were my favorite jobs of all, until this. I knew I had to do it, I knew I was going to do it

I feel like I have worlds inside my head and at the moment, I am lacking in skills (videography, directing, dancing and more) to fully realise my own visions and imaginations

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I think that I need to keep improving and to get better at things but while that happens, the things I can dream up and picture will always keep moving on. So maybe I’ll never be able to fully realise my ideas but I would like to get better at them and to create better videos in future.

To my surprise and delight, I realized that I was creating my life

Keywords: awakening , faith , love , manifesting , adventure , dream life

Each day is a step in the unknown, without a plan, listening and trusting the path. I looked my whole life for someone to save me. Someone to know me. My husband knows me, beyond anything I could have imagined. In fact, I dreamed of him for years. And yet I still have to take responsibility for my life. Having someone by your side who loves me completely definitely helps but I still have to do the inner work of loving myself.

Living my life the way I want to by doing what I love when I want to

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At first, I honestly did not know what I wanted to do a year and a half ago when I was just having a normal day at home watching tv in my room. The day that I figured out what I wanted to do was the most amazing day of my life because I made my dreams come true.At first, I honestly did not know what I wanted to do a year and a half ago when I was just having a normal day at home watching tv in my room. The day that I figured out what I wanted to do was the most amazing day of my life because I made my dreams come true.

Whilst I knew it was something I wanted to do one day in theory, the impossibility of it all seemed too easy to be swayed by, and whether I would actually eventually have the balls to risk doing it at all seemed like an entirely different matter altogether

Keywords: lifestyle , memories , musings , change your life , gratitude , happy place , live the life you imagined , my journey , new life , the small things

People would always tell me I was brave, but I didn’t believe them. At the point I actually moved here they told me more than ever before but I actually knew there was nothing brave about it, it had simply come to the point where it was do or die and something simply HAD to change. But now I believe that I am brave. I can do whatever I put my mind to IF I really want to.

You always believed in me and supported me in everything that I want

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I promise to do well in school. I promise to make you proud at all times, Papa. I will be sending you my card every card giving. Today, I am living your dream. Your only dream, for me, your only child, to finish school. You have always been so good to me and I think it’s time for me to give back. It’s never too late, Papa. I know you can still see me. I guess this will be our set-up always? I will write you letters always, Papa. I will never forget to update you in my every achievements, milestones, and even failures. Thank you Papa, for being my inspiration.

I would rather live out my dreams for one year than die knowing I lived a whole entire life of my own, doing things I never truly wanted

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I’m gonna start living for ME. Not for money, not for looks, not for materialistic shit, just me. Im going to do what I have absolutely always dreamed of, I’m going to travel the world for a whole year and create beautiful films with my camera. Its all I’ve ever wanted to do and I achieved the funds to do so all on my own, so to hell it goes.