I have very purposeful relationships with my family and friends that have allowed me to grow and become what I am now and what I want to be in the future

Keywords: {0}

I choose to be my most authentic self in all aspects of my life and I vow to help others grow and live in that same space for their own self. I am unapologetically loving every moment that I live in. At the gym. At life. At home. And in my head.


If you only knew how much I honestly believed that I was selfish for wanting those things for myself

Keywords: {0}

That I was ungrateful for wanting more than I had. That I felt like what people needed from me trumped what I needed for myself. It sounds crazy to write it now, but it is honestly how I felt, and absolutely how I acted and those beliefs and actions led me to a very lack-luster, unfulfilled life.


I want the coming-of-age readers to enjoy nostalgia, to think of my work as providing a comfortable escape from the present into a simpler time

Keywords: writing articles , authors , blog , blogging , books , fiction , literature , novel , publishing , reading , writers , writing , writing tips

Ultimately your brand is a statement to the world telling everyone who you are, what you produce, and possibly what you’re attempting to accomplish – humour, insight, social commentary etc. Whether or not you set out to create one, if people know you at all, they will come to perceive you in some manner or other. Your objective is to align their perception with how you want to be perceived.


I really miss having a partner

Keywords: Life

I am really tired of just being “alone” …I really value my alone time, but I want a partner. I have been doing everything by myself…taking my bike to places to ride it alone…. going to cultural and community “events” alone …volunteering alone… taking classes to learn new things alone… People do things with friends, family or partners – I do them alone.


I have always wanted to sing in a band

Keywords: Trains of thought , introduction

you will only really get to know me through time. Perhaps you know me personally and our conversations will each time reveal a small part of my heart. Otherwise you might just get to know me through my written snapshots, posted on this blog. Either way, I hope you will get to see a true part of who I am. It is my intention to be honest, although honesty on the Internet is not always the smartest way to go. I’ll have to figure that out as I go along. My main message though, that I want you to remember, is this: we are all unmistakably human. And beautifully so.
