I want to be a healthy Mom, so I can be a better Mom

Keywords: , lifestyle , body weight training , exercise , health and fitness , home fitness , home fitness plan , home workout , motivation , personal trainer , The Movement Empire

I want to be around to see my boys accomplish everything their hearts desire and changing my mind set away from looking a certain way or it even being about weight loss is helping my motivation.


Being in a healthy mindset allows me to be reflexive without the turmoil I’d have experienced before

Keywords: Life in general , Personal Growth

For years I had disconnected myself from my own needs. I had found that ignoring them was a survival strategy, experience had taught me that I was safer that way. This wasn’t a sustainable approach. I’d become so good at hiding and ignoring my needs that I spent years going through life numb to the good experiences I should have been having. All my actions were routed in expectations and obligations. When that got too much for me I turned to food, drink and drugs to fuel actions. It was ok that I needed to spend the day in bed, it was a hangover rather than depression caused by my unhealed trauma. It’s fine that I drank before I went out, that was me being savvy with money as I wouldn’t spend so much at the club. My binge eating was tied to the days when I was suffering malnutrition from before my adoption (I don’t recall that, I think I may have made it up. I recall walking to collect water with a container on my head as part of my chores, but never hunger…) and the list of justified negative behaviour that sustained the numbing of my emotions is endless. This was never sustainable, and that’s a good thing.


What I have been learning over the past few weeks is that your mindset/thoughts/beliefs have a huge impact on your life and the things that happen

Keywords: general , affirmations , business , business coach , coaching , concern , dreams , dreams come true , entrepreneur , gratitude , manifesting , money

I am very good at what I do and as I do it more I will become even better and more and more people will want to work with me because more and more people will find out that the clothes I make are lovely, last a long time and make people feel awesome in them. Money is a funny thing. There is something about being grateful for what we have that increases and expands what we have. There is something about giving and sharing also that expands what we have. I [think] this realization about gratitude is important right now because I wonder if my worry and concern over money is actually preventing me from being fully grateful because I am always afraid I’m going to lose it.


I’ve been swallowed by the system which promotes rat race — this is a mindset that I want to remove completely from my life, that’s why I have to start over

Keywords: personal , tips and tricks , big why , discipline , journal , motivation , personal , procrastination , start over

It may sound like there is desperation, but for me, this made my power of WHY grow stronger than before.


These are the things that I want to do consistently every day

Keywords: life , journaling , meditation , routine

I have struggled to get into a routine, and this has been an issue especially when it comes to productivity. Morning routines to get yourself into the right mindset during the day is so important… especially if you have ADHD (like me) and your mind kind of is all over the place. Even if you don’t have a set schedule, I find that having a routine really helps get you in the mood to do what you need to do.
