I’ve realized that I desire love, but I want to control it

Keywords: blogs , connection , dating , emotions , feelings , life , lifestyle , love , pain , romance , self awareness , self improvement , trauma , validation , vulnerable

My emotional unavailability is due to me feeling like I have to control how relationships play out. It took me a while to realize that I was seeking validation from the connection more than anything.


The biggest mental issue is my need for external validation

Keywords: {0}

I need this external validation. I need people. I want people to invite me to hang out with them. But that doesn’t happy. I’m usually the guy who has to plan everything in my friend group. But they all meet up with each other all the time. But I can’t blame them. Almost all of my friends are girls and it’s wrong for me to be always there for girl time. And honestly, I’m kind of sick hearing about purses, guys, and periods.


I want to greet change with both my arms opened wide

Keywords: food for thought , approval , change , comfort zone , happiness , mental health , mental wellness , peace of the mind , validation , wellness

I really like the idea of being comfortable while challenging new things. Why do I need to jump out completely and scare myself shitless? Who is it for? What I am trying to prove? And if I did prove it to someone, so what? What is it for? Approval? Whatever for? Does it make you happy?


How can I turn the things I enjoy into a platform that people will want to connect with?

Keywords: {0}

I lose my place from time to time. I forget that I have this space…designated just for me. So I leave, and I come back when I remember to unload all of the burdens my heart feels. I don’t talk about them often…or at least not like this because I never know how my friends or family will respond. I mean…I know how they’ll respond. By telling me that things aren’t that bad, that my life is full of blessings. And they’re right, it’s not and it is. Granted they don’t ever really say those words out loud…but they act as reminders that I shouldn’t be taking the time to write out these thoughts because maybe they aren’t valid.
