I’ll definitely revisit this later and do some editing and figure out how I want to structure my posts, because my perfectionist brain is screaming at me to have some sense of structure and plot to this project, but honestly right now I am just enjoying ranting to the void about whatever comes into my very overfilled-with-useless-information brain

Keywords: chaos , fuck adulting , personal , rant , scatterbrain

I’m now most likely going to go back to trawling linkedin for translation opportunities because apparently I am not a good person if I am not productive and contributing to capitalism in some way, shape or form. Fucking adulting. What a drag.


I just want to give a glimpse into the craziness that IS teaching

Keywords: fun and more , education , quit , resignation , resigned , retired , school , schools , students , teacher , teaching

If we want public schooling to be an option for generations to come, then we need to start treating teachers as if they’re actually valued. Teachers need higher pay. They need better security to keep them and their students safe. They need parents to work with them instead of criticizing their every move. Teachers need parents to teach their kids to be respectful and work with them when they aren’t. And for God’s sake, stop thinking PTA lunches and pizza parties are the band-aid that’s going to keep teachers in schools.


I really want to investigate this attitude more: the attitude that says moving into work beyond academia somehow represents “giving up” or “selling out”

Keywords: Career anxiety , Career transition , Making career decisions , Mental health , Professional identity

I caught up with none other than Naomi Tyrrell… academic-turned-research-consultant, and creator of the Alt-Ac Careers UK Facebook group, who after more than 10 years working full-time in academia (including a 3.5 year Marie-Curie postdoc in Ireland, and a permanent lectureship in the UK between 2010-2016) decided to form an exit strategy.


They actually listened to me and paid attention, and they said thank you

Keywords: What’s on my mind

Care and feeding? Just remember we are people too, we work to pay our bills, just like you do, so yeah, we do deserve to be paid. And, like you, we don’t appreciate being put down, talked down to or even berated. Ninety nine percent of the time, agents don’t deserve that. Yep, there are some bad ones out there, and they’re the ones who get us all downgraded in peoples’ minds. Most of us, the vast majority, actually want to serve you well.


I wanted to be a pediatrician because, aside from the fact that every reason is to help others, which is the most typical reason you’ll hear from people in other professions, I enjoy working with children and being around them

Keywords: AllY’s open book

My purpose in this career is to help children have a brighter future by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Remember that our health is our most valuable asset, and it is something we must protect. I can also contribute to the development and nurturing of children as they grow as a pediatrician. We can engage with their parents to supervise and track their growth as they progress into adolescence. It is my job to treat and offer medical care to people who require it, regardless of their economic status. I will set a good example and serve as an inspiration to children by teaching good self-care practices in living the life they have. Lastly is having the opportunity to improve public health in our country as part of the medical field.


Not only do I want a good pay, but I would also like to enjoy whatever I want to do

Keywords: {0}

Many people have jobs they don’t want or they don’t enjoy. I want myself liking my profession in the future. I’d want to have a long-term career rather than a temporary position. I believe that having a good stable career is an important factor in build a life for myself. A stable job will ensure that I have all of the luxuries I desire in life without a struggle. One of the most crucial aspects of my future is finding a job that I enjoy.
