There are fewer years ahead of me than behind, and there’s tons of things I still want to do

Keywords: age , creativity , fun , grandkids , time , blogging , getting older , grandkids , wanting it all

I’ve given up dreams of visiting the museums of Rome or wandering through the moors of Scotland. Discovering the planet China is off my list, too. But I can still do things that make me happy, that make me proud. I’m just running out of time to do them.

If you only knew how much I honestly believed that I was selfish for wanting those things for myself

Keywords: {0}

That I was ungrateful for wanting more than I had. That I felt like what people needed from me trumped what I needed for myself. It sounds crazy to write it now, but it is honestly how I felt, and absolutely how I acted and those beliefs and actions led me to a very lack-luster, unfulfilled life.

I don’t have the energy or the time to do all the things I need to do, all the things I want to do, and so inevitably, I have to prioritize and things don’t get done

Keywords: personal

I feel as though my life has built specifically to this point. There’s an urgency I can feel in my body; it’s been there for a long time and I think it’s made of a lot of different things, but right now it feels like everything I’ve ever been through has turned to poetry in my blood and I just need to get it all out and onto the fucking page. Some of it is trauma pushing its way to the surface. Some of it is the result of therapy and trying to heal the trauma. Some of it is a rush of energy in the aftermath of graduation. But all of it feels like a ton of poetry crawling around inside of me, waiting to get free.

I prioritize my writing and thus make the time

Keywords: inspiration , writing , writing craft

I believe almost everyone has the time to write or read or garden or play video games. They likely don’t have the time to do all or maybe even a few of these things, but they have the time somewhere in the day if it is a high enough priority. If you want to write a novel or a short story, the time is there for the taking, but is it important enough to you to give up something else you might want to do? That is the real question in my mind.

I want to challenge each of you to think about what you are prioritizing

Keywords: {0}

What kind of excuses are you making when it comes to creating/maintaining relationships? My excuses range from work, not wanting to spend money, to still needing to get a workout in haha. Once you have pinpointed your own excuses, also think about the excuses others are using toward you. I’m not saying we should always be skipping work or something but I am saying that no one is too busy for the things and people that truly matter… and if someone is too busy, you deserve better than what they are giving you.