I’ve done the work to become the person I wanted to be

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Anyone who knows me personally can tell you I don’t sugar coat things, and I confront issues directly because that’s my nature. When I was younger I came across as harsh and somewhat rude, but during my 20’s I’ve learnt to soften, to empathise and to listen without judgement. I’ve learnt to control my own feelings and allow a safe space for other people to share a different view to mine, and communicate in a healthy way.


I want to be able to make an e-commerce site so that I am able to customize the look of it and be able to differentiate myself vs. my competitors

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On eBay and Facebook Marketplace, it is very hard to differentiate yourself based off of designs and looks. However, with my own website, it would be a lot easier to be able to control how my customers view my products and every process through their transaction to make their encounter with me as pleasurable as possible.


Part of why I want to study Psychology is because I want to identify these differences between people and resolve the conflicts, they have between each other, so that we can feel even more connected with each other despite our differences

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I feel that many a times we get into arguments and conflicts due to miscommunications or simply just a clash of views. The difference in opinions can be as simple as deciding on what or where to have lunch, but sometimes it can escalate into an argument. Sometimes we realize the difference in opinions, sometimes we don’t, but regardless of that, many times we still argue because we feel unheard by the other party.


I’ve been wanting to be away from the place where I am right now; that if I want to have a brandnew start of my life, I’ll be doing it somewhere distant, like starting from square one

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I am still uncertain of the possibility that finding a refuge on another setting would give me everything that I need. So now, what I am teaching myself is to belong on my own being—that no matter where my feet bring me, I will be okay; I still will pursue what I want to be.
