Three Questions

This is not some scene from Monty Python’s “Holy Grail”. [1]

It’s a storytelling exercise posed by Josepha. [2]

  1. What is the story that you want to be able to tell about yourself?
  2. What is the story that you want to be able to tell about your time with us in WordPress?
  3. What is the story that you want WordPress to tell?

Here are my answers (or at least some ideas about what I think might be appropriate answers at this time [of writing] ).

  1. I am relatively insignificant. I find much more meaning in my own use of language (so-called “natural” languages are — IMHO — the world’s largest open source technology to date).

For the following answers, I will revise the questions somewhat. “WordPress” is a meaningless string to me (AFAIK, it is a registered trademark, and therefore can only be defined by the owner of those legally protected rights (which are often referred to as “intellectual property” and the corresponding rights are commonly referred to as “IP law”). In her presentation, Josepha referred to the WordPress mission as “democratize publishing”. I wish to do more than that: I want to democratize all communications. I actually feel that it is something like a natural law that all communications must be democratized (as communications require the open source technology of natural language). It is not even possible (IMHO) to communicate without involving the participation of this open-source community. So in the above questions #2 and #3, I will replace “WordPress” with “natural language (open-source communications)”.

The new-and-improved (revised) questions (and answers) are:

R-Q2. What is the story that you want to be able to tell about your time with us in natural language (open-source communications)?

Many stories can be told, heard, listened to, shared, understood, inspired and so on. One very significant story seems to be the story (or stories?) of evolution. When we realize that evolution is always happening, then we begin to become aware that the distinction between “natural” and “artificial” (or “non-natural”) is perhaps moot — because nature itself is also always changing and adapting. There is in fact (?) no such natural law written in stone which is always true.

Likewise, developments do not go from plain good to plain bad or vice versa. Good and bad may not even exist at all. Martin Luther King drew attention to such phenomena when he spoke about the merits of being “maladjusted” versus the apparent value of being “well-adjusted”. Since the world is so complex, the number of variables which might serve as guideposts are so vast, they might as well be considered innumerable or even infinite.

Languages which serve some purposes well may do a poor job of serving other purposes. Which language we choose to use in one circumstance might be quite obviously sub-optimal in different circumstances. Since languages also evolve over time, we can rest assured that we will always have a broad spectrum of options available.

All we have to do is to keep the wheels well greased by incessantly exchanging ideas and practicing our communications in a wide variety of languages — we do not need to invent them on our own, in labs, in isolation from their natural environments.

R-Q3. What is the story that you want natural language (open-source communications) to tell?

I am no longer very sure how I want to answer a question like this.

If human languages prove to be maladjusted to their natural environments, then evolution will probably lead to these languages (and perhaps also humans themselves) to go extinct. Whether human extinction would be a good thing or a bad thing, I don’t know.

[1] cf. “Bridge of Death” scene
[2] Josepha’s own blog is @ Here, I am responding to her “Three Questions” posted @ [ ]

I want to say that it might still be worth it to try reading that paragraph

Keywords: non mathematical soapbox

You might say it’s because in a story, you know that the author intends to give you all the information you need to understand what’s going on, whereas this is not the case in mathematical text. My response: you can learn about the mathematical object in the same way you learn about the character in my dad’s blog. Notice that you learn things about this person in a very nonlinear way, and you’re expected to track and piece these things together while you build a reliable mental image of this person.

Sparring for Literacy

It’s time for another installment in our “Golden Rule” series. Today I want to talk about sparring for literacy. You might also think of this as iteratively bouncing ideas off of each other, a sort of turn-taking approach to testing out hypotheses — which is not taking place in modern educational institutions and / or research settings:

These old-fashioned educational institutions mostly (nearly universally) still consider mere publication to be the end game rather as simply a starting point to get the ball rolling in endless and ongoing games of information and communication. These more and more ancient institutions are failing societies by allowing infantile (and incoherent or even completely meaningless) marketplaces to function as arbiters of success and / or failure.

As in Woody Allen’s “Vicky Christina Barcelona” (2008), so we too need to test out what we want, don’t want, which direction we turn toward or away from, and so on. The publishing model is inadequate to the task of figuring out answers to such questions on an ongoing basis. We need ongoing information and communication feedback loops, rather than a one-way publishing industry.

Therefore, the Golden Rule of sparring with one another applies — we ought to spar with one another the way we expect our partners to spar with us. Thereby we train each other as we also train ourselves to communicate and inform each other, with one another, for one another and also in order to continually further develop and improve our information and communications technologies.

How many writers & bloggers apply the Golden Rule to writing & blogging?

Keywords: Social Business , Christ , Christian , Christianity , communication , communications , community , Golden Rule , Jesus , language , listen , listening , sharing , write , writing

You might want to grab a cuppa for this one, because Imma take you on a bender with a long arc and it will probably be night time before we return home!

I distinctly remember becoming aware of how this is actually a violation of Jesus’ “Golden Rule” — in other words: we ought to listen to others, much in the same way that we want others to listen to us.

Yes: I just quoted myself — which is (IMHO) perfectly OK because I manage so many blogs that now and then I simply have to do it! 😛

Well, so I see that other blog post as the introduction to my topic here today, so if you haven’t seen it, then please hop on over and check it out (it opens a new page, so it’s absolutely no problem at all to get back here 😉 ). And it’s not terribly long, either.

My hunch (also known as a hypothesis) is that few bloggers read other blogs and probably fewer interact in a significant way. Mind you: I said bloggers — let alone the general population (who hardly seem aware that the internet exists beyond the realm of Google & Amazon & Netflix (wait a second — is that the INTERNET, too?). Marketers will trample all over anything that sounds even remotely social, but marketing is different than what regular folks do — isn’t it?

Still — none of these folks, whether regular or normal or abnormal or whatever, do much more than dip their toes in. Balls deep? Are you kidding me?

Before I make a short story long, let me cut to the chase. During the 4 weeks of the advent season leading up to Christmas, I plan to entertain different aspects of this question (“How many writers and bloggers apply the Golden Rule to writing and blogging?”) … and maybe I will even manage to arrive at some sort of conclusion before the year ends (hopefully we will not all be lost forever, right?).

Sounds good? SMASH that subscribe button! 😀

I want them to get better at their English and go on to that next class

Keywords: education , teaching , adult education , esl , foreign language , new teacher , spanish , teaching , tesol

I had one student ask me for more help outside of class to help her with pronunciation. I was moved by her courage to come to me and do so. I told her I will do everything I can to help her. I considered it an honor and privilege that she wanted to come to me and talk to me about her speaking skills.

I recognize the impact of technology and want to use it to my benefit

Keywords: {0}

Hi! I’m Julia, this is my first year as a CTS student. This program discusses many intriguing topics and offers skills that will benefit me in the digital world! I recognize the impact of technology and want to use it to my benefit, therefore I am so excited to dig deeper into the content of the program.

When I have the choice of a hundred other words with which I could express myself, why would I want to use words that sound bombastic but mean anything but what I am trying to express??

Keywords: {0}

The Oxford English dictionary is an amazing compilation of words, words and more words! New words have been accepted and made their debut into this ‘word bible’ of a book ever so often ! A word-lovers delight, a writers euphoria, a teachers fallback, it is a magical , mystical mumbo-jumbo of utterances made up of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections !!

CONSIDER: What response do I want from this audience?

Keywords: communication , leadership , colleagues , confidence , conversation , culture , expectations , growth , influence , people , performance , results , value

What do you want a listener or reader to do with what you’ve said? Tell them. People are more likely to act when you’ve made the right action obvious.

I’m left wondering how close or how far a story is from what I want and need

Keywords: publishing , writing , rejection , short stories , submissions

I tend to submit my stories to magazines whose acceptance rates are 1% – 3%. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of stories the editors of those magazines prefer, so there’s much fingers-crossed submitting which results in rejections at least once a week.