I am pretty stoked with what I came up with and proud

Keywords: boundaries , courage , growth , learning lessons , lifelessons , strength

I realize I wasn’t giving myself much credit at the little things I have started to implement over the years. I will be honest, I still struggle a lot with this list, especially at work, but having it down on paper (or computer), tells my mind and body that I am doing pretty well for myself. I am not as lost as I think I might be and with this start, I am only going to grow and feel more confident in my decisions and my skin and that is my ultimate goal.


I want to taste everything the world has to offer

Keywords: blood clot , eating disorders , illness , mental health , physical health , pulmonary embolism , sport

And as well as the space in my schedule, it also gave me space in my mind. With a little thought and a lot of help, it has highlighted what I truly want in all aspects of my life – my career, my hobbies, my friendships. I am exploring avenues I never have before with genuine excitement. I am realising that if I can work out what it is I want, then it is in my control to make the changes to work towards that. And the time is always now.


I want to be happy

Keywords: {0}

You can always work for money, but with happiness, it’s a lot harder to obtain. In my opinion, you have to constantly and consistently pursue it, cultivate and manifest happiness into your life. I love my family, my pets, my friends, crocheting/knitting, eating, traveling, learning languages and so much more. These things bring me happiness. They’re really simple things, but honestly, I think I a lot more simple compared to others. I just have to remind myself that it’s okay to be simple. I don’t have to work at the most famous company to be successful. I don’t have to have the perfect straight A’s to be considered smart (I lowkey dumb tho ahah). I don’t have to be someone else to be happy. I am me. I can’t change that, so I better start appreciating with what I have instead of restlessly pursuing something/someone that might not even make me happy, and even if it does, to reach 100% happiness is probably really impossible. So why not be happy with the things I have/the person I am now?


I want to go out knowing I couldn’t have done any more

Keywords: Life in general , Adulting , Life

In the early years of my 20s, I started to learn that money doesn’t necessarily make us happy. I know, I know there’s a lot of talk about this. I mean, at the end of the day, we all need money to do our thing, right? But, what I’m trying to say here is that, I’ve realized that during the hours I’ve spent stressing about how I’m not achieving those life goals that society tells us we should’ve reached by now, I’ve missed out on living. I could’ve made so many more memories and probably been a lot happier if I chased joy instead, if I choose my version of success to be how many times I’ve laughed this week, if I counted experience in the same way I do money, or if I climbed a mountain with the same eagerness as the career ladder. There’s a whole world to discover outside of those boundaries we’ve set for ourselves!
