I’m thinking in the village and cottage I’d want a major project to work on as I would have the time

Keywords: home , prompts , choices , cottage , experiences , journaling , regrets , say yes , wins

I’m trying to live with fewer regrets so renting a cottage filled this void. Something I had never done before so try it. There is nothing to lose. Well, I had a relaxing week of reading, painting, sitting on the deck doing nothing and walking the beach. I enjoyed it. I needed it. This was not what I was expecting but hello what I needed.


Store owners beam and put their own face, person, livelihood behind their product, and with that, accountability, ownership, pride

Keywords: What We Are

in a season where isolation and independence have become the norm, even praised and celebrated, i want to lean hard on my place, my people, i want to depend on things to be there for me – the bread shop that opens every day until midnight, the aunty who sells the softest cotton sleepwear every sunday, the uncle who i know will be there, faithfully repairing shoes until he no longer can… in turn, they depend on (us/me), for their livelihood, purpose; and for both of us, we want each other, for the warmth, interaction, companionship.


I want is from “myself” and I expect is from “others”

Keywords: expectations , love , relationships

Just take a different approach here to maintain the relationship – for example: We love each other so deeply, there is no doubt – no trust issues and I still wait for his message or call, I still want him to see my all status and respond BUT now by replacing my thought process I just want THIS to happen and I stopped expecting this. Expectation means – other person has to do this else it will hurt us. And Want is mine own – other person is not responsible for this. The time we realize that its not the other person who is hurting us, its us/our feelings which is the cause of all this. Our mind became more relaxed and then we start appreciating whatever little or big things/gestures other person is doing/showing for us. We start value them more than before. Now, its only love, love and only love…


The tug of war between what we want and yet what we do not want is a messed up match because we are no longer sure of who is fighting against whom

Keywords: feelings , general , solace , attention , blog , closet , digital love , instagram , love , madness , mental health , wordpress

I do not think there ever has been more confusion and doubting of our own needs and wants becoming like something caught in a spider’s web. We no longer know who we are and what the hell we are doing.


Loving yourself means respecting and taking care of your own feelings, needs and wants

Keywords: {0}

Growing up, I was raised with the idea that I must put others first before myself. I grew up to be selfless in every aspect because putting myself first felt selfish. So I thought loving myself means giving myself all the love and care that I’ve been giving to others but neglected myself. I walked past one of my favorite dessert stores at the mall a few months ago and it reminded me of the times when my ex and I used to steal each other’s dessert because they were just so good. fun times. I was contemplating if I should get myself one because I think it is really overpriced but I told myself that I should love myself more, so I bought it and felt really happy eating it. I also bought so many clothes and accessories online from the 11/11 sale without thinking about the price because I wanted to love myself more and I felt so happy when I received those goods.
