My goal for this space is to develop an audience

Keywords: {0}

Who is it that wants to read my book? Anybody? Once I get around to pitching it for publishers, however that works, they will want to know that more people than just my mother will want to read it. I have some grand ideas which hopefully will draw in readers. I am seriously thinking about creating a Substack. All the cool kids are doing it. At first, I had an idea to create a devotional which now seems pedantic and hard and not much fun. Another idea I have, which will require more time to implement, is to offer serial stories. It worked for Charles Dickens, right?

I think there are respectful and productive ways to have these conversations

Keywords: {0}

I think what I owe you as readers of this blog are honesty and respect. That is truly what it boils down to. I am a book reviewer and I talk about my opinions on books to better inform your choices as someone who comes to me for my thoughts and recommendations. That is why I owe you my honesty- it is why you are here. I want to feel good about my recommendations and stand by my reviews, and I do. I also want you to trust me, if when we have different opinions.

I want to say that it might still be worth it to try reading that paragraph

Keywords: non mathematical soapbox

You might say it’s because in a story, you know that the author intends to give you all the information you need to understand what’s going on, whereas this is not the case in mathematical text. My response: you can learn about the mathematical object in the same way you learn about the character in my dad’s blog. Notice that you learn things about this person in a very nonlinear way, and you’re expected to track and piece these things together while you build a reliable mental image of this person.

My recipient list got long enough for Google and Yahoo to start treating them as spam

Keywords: books , Kindle

This format will allow me to put up material on my timetable and also to reach people for whom email didn’t work. It also avoids the spam problem of my email list getting too long. I’ve found that my thoughts on theatre, movies, and music probably won’t fit here because they’ll become stale but everything else looks like it’ll fit. Using a blog keeps the info optional for the reader, but avoids automatic blocking. Am also on Facebook at Ann H. Logan and Twitter as @abycats. Thanks for looking. [Oops — NOT 😉 ]

This blog isn’t much right now, but I will do my best to make it interesting to read and visit

Keywords: To Blog or Not to Blog , adventure , awaits , creation , female , future , new , woman , young

I like video games (mainly Nancy Drew), baking (and cooking), and aspire to be a film actress more than anything in the world. However, I also enjoy writing and that is what this blog is actually here to showcase.

None of my papers are the color I want them to be

Keywords: Nonfiction , The River

When I turn thirteen, I go to public high school. I am asked to write and write and write and I can’t. I have a word in my head. I know the color but not the shape, the taste but not the texture. I try to write it out. One, two, three spellings erased. I pick a different word that doesn’t mean quite the same thing, but that I know how to spell.