So now I am like this sixteen year old girl confused with what she wants to do in her life – which is very normal for a teenager

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I know, I wanted to do fashion designing but I wasn’t sure about that now. I wasn’t confident about that though I still wanted to do that. Me, being clueless and an idiot told my dad that I wanted do engineering (engineering and medical being the so-called safe options). I made a decision without giving any thought to it. My dad was happy, obviously. Then I go for the coaching classes for engineering entrance exams. Oh dear lord, I have never been so stressed and depressed in my entire life! I regretted my decision of doing this. But now I was scared of telling my dad that I wanted to quit these classes. Very soon I realize that I am definitely NOT made for such science-y stuff. So even if I get into the most prestigious institutes it would be useless as I don’t have those skills. But one thing I knew that I still wanted to study fashion. I was just scared to tell this to my dad.

I feel like I have worlds inside my head and at the moment, I am lacking in skills (videography, directing, dancing and more) to fully realise my own visions and imaginations

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I think that I need to keep improving and to get better at things but while that happens, the things I can dream up and picture will always keep moving on. So maybe I’ll never be able to fully realise my ideas but I would like to get better at them and to create better videos in future.

I want to focus the skills more on working with others because I know that collaboration can greatly enhance collective understanding and success as a team

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If in the future I am to create my own team, I can supplement my own weaknesses with the strengths of others I hire in order to improve our overall collaboration and success. I can also keep working on leveraging my strengths during my professional journey, whether in Therapeutic Recreation or OT, because when I know myself better and how to use my strengths, I can elevate my overall performance.

I’m finally taking on the “what kind of work do I want do” question that I may have consciously or subconsciously avoided for some time

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I believe I’m designed to be an integral piece of how progressive organizations create a supportive and encouraging environment. I want to specialize in seeing a higher power collective where everyone experiences purpose, empowerment, and community. I want to provide my unique skills in organization, coordination, and interpersonal communication to connect individuals with each other and the organization.

I want confidence in what I’m doing

Keywords: writing

I’ve decided to expect the worst. I know! Isn’t that funny?! But you know it’s my tendency. The rawest form of my work will always have a special place in my heart. If that makes sense. In the end, as much as I want to be proud, I am uneducated in this field. The fact that I have been writing for years doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m skilled or correct in the minds of the readers. That’s really what I’ve been working with all this time.

Photography is extremely prominent in my every day life, and I want to learn more about how to take better, higher quality photos

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I am unique as a photographer because I want to stick to taking the photos I used to take on my phone, but elevating them with new techniques and skills. This semester, I want to learn how to take the best possible photos with just my phone, because it is something I always have on me and I think it would be very beneficial to learn how to utilize a phone camera to take great photos. I look forward to learning a lot about photography this year and bettering my photography skills!