I want to be a healthy Mom, so I can be a better Mom

Keywords: , lifestyle , body weight training , exercise , health and fitness , home fitness , home fitness plan , home workout , motivation , personal trainer , The Movement Empire

I want to be around to see my boys accomplish everything their hearts desire and changing my mind set away from looking a certain way or it even being about weight loss is helping my motivation.


I want to live my life filled with possibilities, love, and excitement

Keywords: home , change , lifestyle , mental health , school , work

Just because you have a good life doesn’t mean that you won’t get restless or unhappy. Even though I deeply love my family and animals, I enjoy studying, and I’m grateful, comfortable, and loved. Nevertheless, I desire a shift from the mundane dribble and wish to open new, positive doors.


Whenever I want something, the unspoken assumption is that once I get this thing, life will be better, my nagging desire will finally cease

Keywords: allow, anxiety, aspirations, attachment, avoidance, discomfort, grasping, grateful, gratitude, happiness, let go, mindfulness, peace, practice, reaching, wanting

It dawned on me this morning that wanting is part of what it means to be alive. Even though we may reach our goals or obtain whatever it is we desire, that wanting is not going to go away. There will always be something else to fixate on. We are all going through life chasing a moving target. At first this can seem rather depressing. Will we never truly reach happiness then?


I have this deep desire to be wise, and seek wisdom, I am very accepting of adding another year to my age

Keywords: life , love , birthday , blogging , encouragement , gratitude , kindness , personal , positive , self , truth , worth

You have this moment. Now. Please take a deep breath and as you exhale, remind yourself that you are worthy! You are amazing! You are seen! Because you exist, somebody’s life is better! You make a bigger positive impact than what you will ever think you do! And then get out there, wrinkles and all, and remind someone else that they matter too! ❤


Give me book clubs, in person please, that discuss stimulating topics like equality, love, the human condition albeit dramatized and littered with poetic prose, witchcraft and the occult, and sexuality of the deviant kind

Keywords: emotions , healing , soul , soul evolution , spirituality

I’m horny for abstract thinking; for analytical discussion; for things I have yet to discover. Teach me. Allow me to call bullshit and debate you until we climax in passionate adoration for our mutual need to grow beyond our limitations. That’s what I desire.
