When I have the choice of a hundred other words with which I could express myself, why would I want to use words that sound bombastic but mean anything but what I am trying to express??

Keywords: {0}

The Oxford English dictionary is an amazing compilation of words, words and more words! New words have been accepted and made their debut into this ‘word bible’ of a book ever so often ! A word-lovers delight, a writers euphoria, a teachers fallback, it is a magical , mystical mumbo-jumbo of utterances made up of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections !!


I know there is more to add, but I know I don’t want to do it with just words

Keywords: readingresponses

I learned that voice is a multitude of things and many things can express this. But during the creation of this project, I got to learn how to create pages, organize ideas on a new platform and import playlists. It was new and exciting to play around with these new formats to display my process not with words but everything having this golden string connecting it. I think this is where my definition of new media is starting with: saying something without always using words.


Note that I just wrote the following comment on Tesla’s page:

Hi Tesla 🙂

Those are some very powerful statements you’ve got there — using words!

I have not (yet) read the articles you mention (which appear to be paper documents published exclusively on proprietary platforms, and therefore are not publicly available publications — mainly because you do not provide any links to the sources).

Here, I wish to focus on your points regarding words. You do not distinguish between words in particular and strings more generally. In my opinion there is a very significant difference (which I refer to as a distinction between “rational media” and “irrational media” — see e.g. https://contextual.news.blog/2020/04/22/introduction-to-rational-media-content-vs-container ). Your views regarding “new media” (and its definition) are also fascinating to me, even if only because I myself have gone by the screen-name “New Media Works” for quite some time already (see e.g. https://newmediaworks.wordpress.com/2020/11/24/is-there-an-interesting-story-behind-your-user-name ). In any case: The Internet requires strings (and even the sleekest / slickest product designed by Apple would not work at all without at least a single switch).

Your short text above leads me to wonder: Is Tesla actually proposing an attempt to say something meaningful using meaningless strings?

Please: Say it ain’t so!

🙂 Norbert