Lots of considerations and choices, and ones I’m aware I am privileged to have

Keywords: Appreciation , fear of success , gratitude , mindfulness , business , goals , gratitude tude , Money Issues , self care , success

I have not much clue about what I want, beyond being warm and healthy enough. Having easy access to nature. Some friendly people to interact and share with. A partner who is loving and trustworthy would be a bonus. And maybe another dog.


As an adult, the things that I want to receive are hard to find

Keywords: december , christmas , christmaswish , gift , present

Some are expensive, while others are hard to wrap. I mean, how can someone possibly wrap a peace of mind. Where can you buy it? Or self-fulfillment, perhaps. How about a sense of purpose? What about clarity of mind or a clear headspace? I mean, is there a store selling any of those?


I want a career more than anything

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I want hope for my future so I can then give my children hope even though one is almost 28 and the other 21. I want to show them that I can break the cycle, I want to keep my promise to my grandma that I will not just let life happen and settle. She died with regrets and she did not want that for me, I promised her that I wouldn’t but I do not know how I can even think about doing it without money.


My name is Tabitha, and I am a shopaholic

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Lately we have really needed to change the way we live. I know I have developed terrible habits. When you just swipe a card and then voila, it’s payed for, I never felt the squeeze. But each transaction was my husband’s hard earned money being taken for granted. The finances began to cause more and more arguments, until my sweet husband just stopped telling me where we were at because he wanted me to have whatever I wanted. My ignorance and desire to keep up appearances was bringing us down a trap I was completely unaware I had been leading my family.


I want to be happy

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You can always work for money, but with happiness, it’s a lot harder to obtain. In my opinion, you have to constantly and consistently pursue it, cultivate and manifest happiness into your life. I love my family, my pets, my friends, crocheting/knitting, eating, traveling, learning languages and so much more. These things bring me happiness. They’re really simple things, but honestly, I think I a lot more simple compared to others. I just have to remind myself that it’s okay to be simple. I don’t have to work at the most famous company to be successful. I don’t have to have the perfect straight A’s to be considered smart (I lowkey dumb tho ahah). I don’t have to be someone else to be happy. I am me. I can’t change that, so I better start appreciating with what I have instead of restlessly pursuing something/someone that might not even make me happy, and even if it does, to reach 100% happiness is probably really impossible. So why not be happy with the things I have/the person I am now?


I want to go out knowing I couldn’t have done any more

Keywords: Life in general , Adulting , Life

In the early years of my 20s, I started to learn that money doesn’t necessarily make us happy. I know, I know there’s a lot of talk about this. I mean, at the end of the day, we all need money to do our thing, right? But, what I’m trying to say here is that, I’ve realized that during the hours I’ve spent stressing about how I’m not achieving those life goals that society tells us we should’ve reached by now, I’ve missed out on living. I could’ve made so many more memories and probably been a lot happier if I chased joy instead, if I choose my version of success to be how many times I’ve laughed this week, if I counted experience in the same way I do money, or if I climbed a mountain with the same eagerness as the career ladder. There’s a whole world to discover outside of those boundaries we’ve set for ourselves!


I would rather live out my dreams for one year than die knowing I lived a whole entire life of my own, doing things I never truly wanted

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I’m gonna start living for ME. Not for money, not for looks, not for materialistic shit, just me. Im going to do what I have absolutely always dreamed of, I’m going to travel the world for a whole year and create beautiful films with my camera. Its all I’ve ever wanted to do and I achieved the funds to do so all on my own, so to hell it goes.


I’m exhausted, I want money but this work is not for me

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I’m working as a content writer in a small company for quite a few days. From the day I’ve started work here, I’m not much confident with my writing. As every day I’ve created something new but seems like it’s all fake. I don’t know this feeling, am I too overwhelmed or is this not working for me?


Featured image source: https://19lifetales.wordpress.com/2021/08/08/an-update-to-my-life