I really want to investigate this attitude more: the attitude that says moving into work beyond academia somehow represents “giving up” or “selling out”

Keywords: Career anxiety , Career transition , Making career decisions , Mental health , Professional identity

I caught up with none other than Naomi Tyrrell… academic-turned-research-consultant, and creator of the Alt-Ac Careers UK Facebook group, who after more than 10 years working full-time in academia (including a 3.5 year Marie-Curie postdoc in Ireland, and a permanent lectureship in the UK between 2010-2016) decided to form an exit strategy.


I became a therapist so that people who feel judged by therapists or ashamed that they need support can feel safe to open up

Keywords: {0}

I have learned that therapy is a technology not unlike ministry for the secular world. And like that clergyman who found me sleeping on bench in front of the cathedral, I want to help the people he can’t reach. I’m here for people feel judged and afraid to enter into a relationship with a therapist. I’ve never been ‘normal’. I’ve never been perfect. And, I’ve learned to be ok with who I am.


I’m very aware that this is the only shot at life I’ll get, and I often fear that I’m not making the most of this, as irrational as this may sound

Keywords: lifestyle

That’s a long time ago, she observes. I nod, but it’s true. That’s the last time I felt undiluted happiness, untouched by doubt, anxiety or fear. Since then, there has always been something to worry about, something to take the edge off something great. Will you try and focus on being happy with your life as it is? Perhaps stop waiting for it to get better? I sigh. Yes. I’ll try.


I’ve realized that I desire love, but I want to control it

Keywords: blogs , connection , dating , emotions , feelings , life , lifestyle , love , pain , romance , self awareness , self improvement , trauma , validation , vulnerable

My emotional unavailability is due to me feeling like I have to control how relationships play out. It took me a while to realize that I was seeking validation from the connection more than anything.


I want to be able to wake up in the morning without ever thinking about where to get money to get us by for the day, how can I buy my needs, etc.

Keywords: {0}

I want to live freely and stress-free. I want to be able to eat whatever I want to eat everyday. Right now, I don’t even know what I want to become in the nearest future. I’ve been out of out school for almost two years now and I’m kinda lost but that’s okay. I believe in the saying that everyone has their own time.


I want to learn to approach a very complex process with the mind frame I sometimes approach leaving my house when I think im forgetting something

Keywords: adventure , bicycle touring , cycling , lifestyle , solo travel

I ask “Do I have my keys, my wallet, and ’third item’?” The third item usually depends where I’m headed- if camping, a sleeping bag; if to work, my ID. The logic being is that If I can get somewhere, have a means to identify myself or pay for something, and perhaps one other necessary item, I can probably solve any problem. This usually allows me to simplify my day and calm any worries.


Making the decision to publish my innermost thoughts & reflections on this blog was a win for me

Keywords: wellness , accomplishments , how do you define your worth , internal narratives , self love , transactional love , upholding expectations , vulnerability

Pulling the trigger to share it publicly denoted courage I never thought I’d find to throw my insecurities, imposter syndrome, & fear of being judged to the wind in order to prioritize my healing.


I want to have multiple sources of income because they will eventually lead me to invest in another source of income

Keywords: {0}

I want to have good quality appliances in my house! I want to have full cupboards of groceries. I want my refrigerator full of food. I want quality cookware, plates & cutlery. I want a clean, cozy home, so my loved ones and I can relax despite the reality around.


I have simply recognized that encouraging myself has a far better shot at getting where I want to be

Keywords: {0}

Years ago, I had a client who came up with a personal mantra that made me smile. He had spent years telling himself he was ugly. This incredibly insecure and self-deprecating young man decided that, when exercising, he would chant “I am hot, I know it. I’m sexy and I show it.” He chanted the rhyme to me in my office. I loved it then and I love it now.
