Due to my ambitious career goals, I wanted to work and strike the iron while it was hot and then retire by the time my first child entered middle school

Keywords: homeschooling , deschool , homeschooling , homeschooling mom , intentional living , is homeschooling good , why homeschool , why you should homeschool , working homeschooling mom

Initially, I wanted to begin homeschooling when my kids were in middle school. I wanted to spend those three very critical years of their development with them and I’m also a career lady—so this idea worked to my advantage. I couldn’t give up my career—it was not for the income or the accolades, it is a serious part of who I am. I thrive off of the mental stimulation and the professional challenges. You can throw me to the wolves, and I promise, I’ll return leading the pack—and I will enjoy every turn. You couldn’t take that away from me.


I want to be a successful businesswoman

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It takes a lot of hard work to become a successful business girl. If I want to be a successful businesswoman, I’ll have to do a lot of work without complaining. I must also put in a lot of effort without taking any steps back. If I take steps back, I will not be able to achieve my objectives. Working hard is thus the key to the success of any endeavor. There is nothing in life without hard work. Because if we work hard, no one can stop us from achieving our goals.


The job I ended up with just happens to be the one I have wanted to land in for the last 9 years and due to a retirement was already in the works for me to train in, but it was very uncertain if anyone else would bump me for it

Keywords: be extraordinary for teens , blog , development , gratitude , happiness , happy , journal , learning , life , mindvalley , reverse gap , self , soul

These were all personal areas for myself that I wanted to grow and I am so thankful that I have! When I think of looking at my ‘reverse gap,’ it is hard not to feel happy about what improvements have happened. I find I have no reason to get caught up feeling not good enough comparing to others when I just compare to my past self. Then think back 2 years, then 5 and 10. Some of these things happened that I hadn’t expected. A year ago, I didn’t know I was going to get the job I wanted. A year ago, if I thought about an exercise program, I wouldn’t have considered committing to more than 6 weeks of working out.


I’m finally taking on the “what kind of work do I want do” question that I may have consciously or subconsciously avoided for some time

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I believe I’m designed to be an integral piece of how progressive organizations create a supportive and encouraging environment. I want to specialize in seeing a higher power collective where everyone experiences purpose, empowerment, and community. I want to provide my unique skills in organization, coordination, and interpersonal communication to connect individuals with each other and the organization.


Dreams of working in the sports field came in ninth grade

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Sports management is a vast field of women and men. I feel like [I’ll] fit right in. although fsw does not offer this major. The University of Florida does, and it’s the number one program and school that offers it. This also happens to be my dream school since a child, so what an ironic idea of going. After receiving my associate’s in arts from FSW, I plan to transfer and finish at UF. Besides school, I do have a life. I work at party city as a cashier. When customers walk in, we say ” welcome to the party,” which has become a part of my daily routine by default. As of now, school is my only focus, and working to maintain the life I want to live. I hope this blog helps me to be more social and learn through others’ experiences. Writing this first post is almost like an open diary—best of luck, classmates.


I want to get excited working on my hopes and dreams again

Keywords: lifestyle

Doesn’t life have a funny way of distracting you from your goals. I was once told in order to find myself I must set goals. I honestly have never been a future planner type of woman. More the spontaneous and in the moment kind of person. Sometimes that’s a blessing and sometimes not so much. I want to start planning my future and settings goals.
