CONSIDER: What response do I want from this audience?

Keywords: communication , leadership , colleagues , confidence , conversation , culture , expectations , growth , influence , people , performance , results , value

What do you want a listener or reader to do with what you’ve said? Tell them. People are more likely to act when you’ve made the right action obvious.

To grow old, to be beside my children for all the moments of their lives, to be an example of someone they’d want to be like

Keywords: {0}

Take me, take these words, and hold me to it as I do the work of changing so that I do not die and leave before my hair is grey and my hands are tired. It is all I want, to have time.

NOTE: When I read this, the post was set to “public”; at this moment, it is password-protected — please contact the author if you have any questions regarding the original post.

I am attempting to break free

Keywords: Blog , life lessons , reflection

At this point, I don’t want him to blame many of the issues on me. Although, I have no problem standing up to myself. He will get these hands if he attempts to blame me for the issues but none of the success. He’s had the position for nearly a month, I just barely got basic supplies. I had to personally buy toilet paper because he couldn’t remember. We are losing employees and have no replacement going into Christmas.

I wish it was easy to write how I feel

Keywords: articles , blog , blogging , discover , discover prompts , life , love , musings , self musings , stories , story , writer , writing

Our lives are stories woven and tangled with the lives of people we love. And yes it’s not as easy as they sometimes show in TV shows but I think that’s the beauty of it. The more tangled it gets, the stronger our relationships become, but that very thing might also end up breaking the relationship.

I want to empower other physicians, through both my research and clinical work, to view their female athletes not as variations of male athletes (who comprise the vast majority of sports medicine research), but unique, physiologically fascinating entities

Keywords: {0}

In using [Dr. Giselle Aerni’s] framework, I have been able to deviate from “what is my dream career” (likely unrealistic goal) to “what do I want out of my career” (likely realistic, fulfilling). Through that process, I have been able to find some peace within my inherently goal-oriented self.

Emily Wolfenden, MD (published in “Vision, Mission, and Other Career Musings” [ ] )

I want you to know that the decision Chad and I made to quit our jobs, get rid of almost all our things and hit the road is a decision that we’ve made fully aware of this whole ‘no guarantees’ thing

Keywords: {0}

We are two months away from our departure. Two months away from leaving everything we know behind. One of the big looming questions is, will we figure out how to earn money? Thankfully we’ve been able to save some to help keep ourselves fed while figuring it out, because we both see nomadic life as something we want to do for a while. In order to succeed, we have to be able to support ourselves.