I want more people to see this truth about life, that you’re not alone, I want less people acting from their ego, hurting others and acting like they don’t feel lonely inside

Keywords: holistic , growth , love , peopleareflowerstoo , spirituality

I’m throwing this question at you, do YOU comment , like , share on my articles and do you speak mindfully to people, do you understand the weight of this simple question that comes after Hey/Hii , “how are you” ?


I want more … “kicking the tires” (experimentation)

Today I want to introduce some concepts I have been playing around with in my hope and aim to increase the amount and levels of engagement at Wants Blog. I have come up with two tricks or gimmicks or more generally procedures to fool entice tease incentivise anyone to engage more with this project.

First, I think it is quite possible to improve various aspects of this site. I want to set up something like a “suggestion box” for this purpose. I see this as a willingness to meet unmet wants and needs of anyone who wishes to interact with this site in any way. I am a little bit inspired by the “Friends’ Monthy Meeting” structure, so I will analagously refer to these as “Monthly Meeting” threads — the first one is here, and is open to any / all comments — without anything being “off topic”.

Second, I wish to encourage more people to take the leap and sign up for a membership at this site. As a member, you will be able to create your own posts. As an additional incentive, I intend to commit to supporting anyone who achieves a full three months of active membership in their continuing projects, regardless of whether they remain members beyond that time. Therefore, anyone who signs up anytime during this month (October 2021) can expect to receive my support for their own projects starting February 2022. In order to qualify as an “active” member, all the member has to do is to make (at least) one single acceptable post — and of course anything that is illegal in any way is unacceptable, but what qualifies as acceptable beyond that is up to the discretion of the site management (currently: moi).

I don’t know whether these ideas are good or not. Perhaps changing nothing at all would be a better idea. So I just see this as an experiment — and now it’s time to simply sit back and see what happens. 🙂

I Want More Sharing of Experiences in Shared Languages

Another reflective post from your “host” leading up to our 1st Anniversary. but “host” is in quotes to indicate that my vision for this site is not so much “my way” as it is “our way” (at least I want it to be that way 😉 ). Several years ago (when I was still engaged over at TEH FACEBOOK), I had an online friend there who inspired me quite a lot — in a sort of changed my life sort of way. She was so convinced in “WE NOT ME” that she tattooed that on one wrist sleeve, and the ubuntu symbol on the other. To this day, I feel her influence on me — even though I kept bugging her with wanting to know more and understand more about her thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams so much that she saw no alternative to my constant bothering than to unfriend me (indeed: even to block me). There are no “hard feelings” involved, it was simply a matter-of-fact solution to my incessantly menacing neediness which simply took up too much of her time.

Source: Own mashup of 2 pics — from somewhere on Facebook, dated many years ago

I learned a lot from that experience, and also from that wonder-woman (which is, I guess, how I continue to see her to this day). Yet maybe she also learned a thing or two from me. For example: she would emphasize how important reading (and also listening) attentively is, and I would emphasize how our shared language exchanges shape the evolution of our future language, the language future generations will inherit, the expressions future generations will be receiving from us, reshaping them yet again — quasi according to a natural law governing the survival of the fittest languages.

So this long-winded preface is perhaps just one of many possible “background” or “historical” antecedents to “how I / we got here”, other explanations go back much further, along different tangents, and quite obviously beyond the scope of what I (and / or we) want here and now.

I want more of “us” to participate. The musically minded among us may immediately be reminded of Peter Gabriel’s “Only Us” (and his entire album “Us”), or perhaps (for the more advanced 😉 ) Pink Floyd’s “Us and Them”. I by no means want to give anyone a “short, sharp shock” — I simply want community engagement. I have been reaching out to “Others” for nearly a year now: many seem astonished, quite a few seem flattered, some seem to feel flustered, but almost no one is clicking “join” (and actually completing the step to become a member of this website).

I want more others to become members, I want more members to participate and become more engaged with unraveling the mystery of both our own individual wants and our collective wants. I want more understanding about how we choose to create the environments we want to live in. I want these and more things to happen, and I also want other things (i.e., wants of others) to happen, too.

I want this increase in engagement to happen here, and I also want it to happen there and everywhere, too. One way of interpreting the web is to see it as one big massive hypertext, with links making connections all over the place.

I wish to close by explaining why I feel people should become engaged more here. Here, I feel we can expect a heightened level of sensitivity to the importance of wants, the awareness of wants and so on. Just the other day I found an article on the web attempting to delineate wants from needs — but in my opinion the author was too conviced of their own ideas, and I also felt the ideas were quite confused / confusing (at best — if you wish to read about it yourself, you may be able to find the text via my review of the author’s “about” page). I had submitted a comment to the post, and it was apparently not approved. I don’t know much about the author, except perhaps that they seem unwilling to engage.

My hopes and aims for this website is that more engaged members will increasingly participate, and thereby help to shape our own future, and perhaps also the future of others. Helping to make this high priority happen is important to me. The path I intend to trailblaze in order to get us from here to there (and everywhere? 😛 ) is the subject for another post … coming soon! 😀

I want to write more about the process of converting the format over to a Dialog box but it all passed in, like, a fever haze

Keywords: process

I was thinking last night, “I should definitely be writing this down,” but it was already tedious enough changing one thing, saving, hitting debug, checking all of the visual changes, and repeat. The best I could do was leave some old copes of the previous format.
