I have this deep desire to be wise, and seek wisdom, I am very accepting of adding another year to my age

Keywords: life , love , birthday , blogging , encouragement , gratitude , kindness , personal , positive , self , truth , worth

You have this moment. Now. Please take a deep breath and as you exhale, remind yourself that you are worthy! You are amazing! You are seen! Because you exist, somebody’s life is better! You make a bigger positive impact than what you will ever think you do! And then get out there, wrinkles and all, and remind someone else that they matter too! ❤


Going forward I want this to be a source for good

Keywords: education , branding , educators , social media , teaching

I started this blog with the intention of sharing the daily insights of what it was like to be a substitute teacher. I didn’t think people would actually be into reading my thoughts/experiences inside the classroom. I have little control over what is taught in the classroom, as permanent teachers and administrators are the ones who oversee that on a day-to-day and yearly basis. So in layman’s terms I’m pivoting, or shifting the content from my daily struggles and anecdotes to sharing trends (the good and the bad) within the education realm from the standpoint of a future educator.


Everybody is wrapped up in their own issues to care about how I’m doing

Keywords: chronic pain , happiness , parenting , writing , anxiety , burnout , depression , fitness , storytime , stress

My son is my sunshine. He really is making me smile, even when he frustrates me. His smile lights up my world. His questions blow my mind. He still gets piggy back rides from me and he loves them. His hugs are healing. He is so cute and adorable and I love his personality. I see in him his dad’s confidence and my insecurities meshed in one. We have been slacking on positive affirmations but I’m sure to let him know that he makes me happy every chance I got. I don’t play with him enough, especially during Ramadan because I’m so tired, but he has become so emotionally mature that he literally tells me “I want to spend time with you” and when he says that, I do, even if I’m tired.
