I wanted so desperately for my kids to be safe and happy, that I oftentimes didn’t allow them to fall and pick themselves back up

Keywords: motherhood , boundaries , children , family , kids , parenthood , raising children , respect

Expectations- we all have dreams for our kids but those dreams should never interfere with what our kids actually want. Encouragement is necessary and beneficial but expectation is toxic and dangerous. We should not be “living through” our kids, we should be sharing the experiences and life they choose. Expecting our kids to have a particular education, a certain job, earn a certain amount of money, be a particular sexual orientation or live a life you deem worthy is not unconditional love. Being embarrassed or ashamed of our kids if they are struggling in life, is more a reflection on our own lack than it is on our kids. I want to know my kids struggles so I can support them and we can work together for the healthiest outcome. My kids know there is nothing they cannot tell me, I will never judge them. If you can’t accept that your child will be their own person, suffer struggles and make mistakes or choose a lifestyle that makes them happy, rather then fitting into your mould- perhaps parenthood is not for you.


I just want to give a glimpse into the craziness that IS teaching

Keywords: fun and more , education , quit , resignation , resigned , retired , school , schools , students , teacher , teaching

If we want public schooling to be an option for generations to come, then we need to start treating teachers as if they’re actually valued. Teachers need higher pay. They need better security to keep them and their students safe. They need parents to work with them instead of criticizing their every move. Teachers need parents to teach their kids to be respectful and work with them when they aren’t. And for God’s sake, stop thinking PTA lunches and pizza parties are the band-aid that’s going to keep teachers in schools.


I think there are respectful and productive ways to have these conversations

Keywords: {0}

I think what I owe you as readers of this blog are honesty and respect. That is truly what it boils down to. I am a book reviewer and I talk about my opinions on books to better inform your choices as someone who comes to me for my thoughts and recommendations. That is why I owe you my honesty- it is why you are here. I want to feel good about my recommendations and stand by my reviews, and I do. I also want you to trust me, if when we have different opinions.


They actually listened to me and paid attention, and they said thank you

Keywords: What’s on my mind

Care and feeding? Just remember we are people too, we work to pay our bills, just like you do, so yeah, we do deserve to be paid. And, like you, we don’t appreciate being put down, talked down to or even berated. Ninety nine percent of the time, agents don’t deserve that. Yep, there are some bad ones out there, and they’re the ones who get us all downgraded in peoples’ minds. Most of us, the vast majority, actually want to serve you well.


Knowing your value and respecting your boundaries is knowing to say no to the things that will not add value to your life and not respecting your boundaries

Keywords: Life Ramblings , aging , career , creative writing , experience , growing up , growth , interest , job , life , passion , writing

So I’m glad in a way that while it’s quite a hard decision to make because I feel I’m letting go of another opportunity that could have been, it’s also a lesson and a reminder that while there are opportunities everywhere, not every opportunity is right for me.


I want to include myself in all my relationships

Keywords: Changes Big and Small, Depression , Identity , Podcast , Relationships , Relationships Intro , Season 4 , Season 4 friendship series

What’s tragic is how many people’s still second guess who do I need to be to get into this group who I’m not like anyway, who I don’t actually respect that much, but it seems to be where it’s at. And it’s like what are you doing?


Despite all eight million outcomes of a life, it seems like mine is supposed to be here

Keywords: {0}

i’ve been wondering if i’m supposed to settle for someone or not trust my gut & shame myself for not having feelings for someone – like I should even though I don’t… I think it stems from a concern that I will never meet someone with the level of understanding & friendship that i’m dreaming of. but then I was listening to this song about this girl who met someone that feels perfect & right & I was like, I mean every love song in the world can’t be lying right. & then I decided that it’s just going to have to stem from faith. & for the time being, i’m going to trust my gut with these things & stop stringing things along that I know ultimately don’t feel right. so I guess you could say i’ve had this hesitant conviction to not lead men on so much. dot dot dot. eek. I can be selective, I rlly can. & not just go with the flow. I think I need to just do less going w the flow in general. nothing wrong w being a girl who knows what she wants. & I feel like in life & overall, I have a pretty decent idea of what I want.

https://mpru.me/2021/06/12/raw (visited 2021-06-12)

I deserve happiness

Keywords: the buildup , encouragment , mental health , rant , trauma , trigger warning , tw suicide , work

I want to have the tangible proof of my existence post-trauma. I want to be holistically evaluated for my progress between 2016 and now. I want to be unconditionally loved. I want to be listened to and believed and respected. These things take so much time. I am such a tired person. I am constantly planning, advocating for myself, and hoping and praying. I work my ass off.

Progress vs. Validation – Victoria Smith (wordpress.com)